Local Use

Two of the four video-writing files on our GitLab are meant for use on you local computer (i.e., your laptop). These are InterpVideoWriter.m and StokesVideoWriter.m.

The differences between these two files are laid in the read-me of our GitLab project.

Much of the MATLAB Tutorials material applies directly to these two files. Walk through the Boundary Shapes and Flow Velocities to become acquainted with how to use these files to generate simulations!

The remaining two files, ParallelInterpVideoWriter.m and ParallelStokesVideoWriter.m, are parallelizations of the first two files. They use MATLAB's canned parpool function to run many simulations in parallel. This is designed for optimal use on a cluster. The details are a bit involved, so we are holding off on providing a tutorial for use on a cluster on this website. Don't worry though! The code is well-commented, and we are free for contact anytime at salmanr@umich.edu.