Research & Repository


How do we obtain strains for our project?

The BcLR strain collection currently includes ~50,000 bacterial isolates and maintains an extensive database to support investigations of the clinical microbiology, taxonomy, epidemiology, virulence, ecology, and treatment of Burkholderia and related bacteria.  Bacterial strains may be requested by contacting Dr. Caverly or Dr. LiPuma. 

How are strains sent?

Strains are sent at room temperature on charcoal transport swabs by express courier. 

How should we grow the strains once we receive them?

Strains should be streaked on agar plates as soon as possible after receipt. Transport swabs can be stored at 4C for a short time if needed.  Most strains will grow well on Mueller-Hinton agar at 32C.

How should strains be stored long term? 

Strains can be stored at -70C to -80C in either sterile Luria-Bertani broth supplemented with 15% v/v of 100% glycerol or sterile Mueller-Hinton broth supplemented with 15% v/v of 100% glycerol.

Do you perform susceptibility testing with novel antimicrobial agents?

Yes, in certain circumstances we are able to assess the in vitro activity of novel antimicrobial drugs using broth microdilution MIC testing per CLSI standards.  Contact Dr. Caverly or Dr. LiPuma to discuss potential projects.