Am I eligible? 

All high school students in the state of Michigan, including home-schooled students, are able to participate in the Brain Bee at the University of Michigan. Individuals must be between 14 and 18 years of age at the time of the competition.

What is the cost to participate in the Michigan Brain Bee?

Participation in the MBB is free! 

What prizes can I win?

All competitors will receive a Certificate of Participation and each participant who competes in Session II will also receive a Certificate of Honorable Mention. Our first place winner will win $250, a trophy, and $1600 towards travel costs for the winner and a guardian to travel to the National Brain Bee (https://cnlm.uci.edu/2023-usa-brain-bee/), The second place winner will receive $150 and a medal. The third place winner will receive $50 and a medal. 

How should I prepare? 

All questions asked in Sessions I, II, and III will come from information found in BrainFacts.

COVID-19 Policy

The 2024 Brain Bee at the University of Michigan will be held in person. We are currently not requiring masking, but full compliance with the University of Michigan's official COVID-19 guidelines will be required at the competition. Any changes to this will be announced to all participants and schools immediately.