

Science Seekers Program (2020-present)

SSP runs courses in a variety of subjects aimed at young Malaysians at high school ages in order to provide science content in an accessible way + connect young scientists to established students in those sciences. I have helped create the Physics course material in addition to doing sessions with the students. In these sessions, we help students with 'the details' of how to get into the physics and astronomy fields, the intricacies of doing these majors abroad, and the different career trajectories and options. 


Michigan Math and Science Scholars

MMSS runs courses during the summer for high school students from all around the world. For the summers of 2018, 2019, and 2020, I participated as a student instructor in a class run by Prof. Dragan Huterer on Cosmology and Astronomy. I gave lectures, labs, planetarium shows, and ran jeopardy-like exercises. 


Women in Science and Engineering Camp Counselor (2017)

Helped middle school girls on physics related demos and activities, including making small autonomous cars and robots.

Planetarium Operator

University of Michigan Museum of Natural History 


Ran planetarium shows, building science communication skills while giving a variety of shows to audiences of different ages.


Structured Study Group

(2017 & 2018)

Co-taught a mini course for Astronomy non-majors. We cultivated a curriculum to engage students in the conceptual side of foundational astronomy concepts.

DEI Committee

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

(2018-2019, 2021-present)

I was the Undergraduate Representative for the DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) Committee at the University of Michigan in 2018-2019, and the Graduate Representative in 2021-present.