Bakulski Research Group


We are a molecular epidemiology research group committed to investigating the environmental and genetic etiologies of neurological disorders, including autism spectrum disorder and Alzheimer's disease. We develop and optimize new biomarkers for perinatal studies and have expertise in epigenetics. 

Available Positions

Postdoctoral fellow

We are seeking a postdoctoral fellow interested in social epigenomics and Alzheimer's disease. Please contact Dr. Bakulski!

Master's student internships

We have master's student internships available for summer 2023. Students must have coding experience (preferably R and having trained in our EPID 674 course) and have completed introductory epidemiology and biostatistics courses. Please contact Dr. Bakulski prior to May 1st! 

Contact Us

Kelly Bakulski, PhDDepartment of EpidemiologySchool of Public HealthUniversity of Michigan
(734) 615-5899 Email1415 Washington HeightsM5511 SPH2Ann Arbor, MI 48109


Population, Neurodevelopment, and Genetics (PNG) program, Institute for Social ResearchMichigan Center on Lifestage Environmental Exposures and Disease (M-LEEAD), University of MichiganCenter for Occupational Health and Safety Engineering (COHSE), University of MichiganGenome Sciences Training Program (GSTP), University of MichiganReproductive Sciences Program (RSP), University of MichiganMichigan Center on the Demography of Aging (MiCDA), University of MichiganPregnancy And Childhood Epigenetics (PACE) Consortium, National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences