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Empty Roads and Face Masks by Ariana Lopez

Empty Roads and Face Masks, Ariana Lopez

Juror Statement

Empty Roads and Face Masks is a visually striking photograph that skillfully combines sharp technical components, a highly effective composition, a fascinating subject and a simple, but precise narrative. This is a remarkably crafted image that clearly translates the artist’s intent to the viewer and successfully expresses her view of this new world. It hit me the moment I saw it and stayed with me long after.

With this beautiful photograph, the artist captured the story of the pandemic in a succinct and authentic manner that instantly connects with the viewer.

The subject stands in the middle of a deserted road in a somewhat vulnerable stance with a look in his eyes that conveys a complex range of emotions. There is an element of foreboding, but maybe also freedom, in the depiction of this pedestrian standing on the lonely highway not sure of what’s to come, and wearing a face covering which suppresses his voice and hides any expression.

---Laura Cotton, University of Michigan-Dearborn Art Curator and Competition Juror

Artist Statement

From my perspective, our quarantined time has been lonely, scary, and full of unknowns. It was strange for me to see rush hour traffic disappear and masks being required everywhere as our new normal.

My goal was to convey some of the feelings that define this historic time in one photograph. I wanted to create one picture that could tell the whole story by capturing the sense of eeriness, loneliness and isolation we all have been experiencing. This was illustrated by the subject standing in the middle of a completely empty road, the look on his face, and my choice to utilize black and white photography. I wanted to express the seriousness and drama of this period and my feelings that there has been nothing vibrant or casual about the pandemic.

---Ariana Lopez

Artist Bio

Ariana Lopez is a winter 2020 graduate of the University of Michigan-Dearborn with a Bachelor of Science in Child Life. She will be pursuing her prerequisites for Physician’s Assistant school this fall at UM-Dearborn and then plans to attend PA school.

Ariana states that having her photo selected for first place was an exciting moment because, although photography is a love of hers, she does not have a lot of experience. She took a few classes in high school and purchased a decent camera a couple of years ago to pursue photography as a hobby. But she wasn’t confident that any of her photographs would be selected.