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Image: Haircut by Cody Lovelace

Haircut, Cody Lovelace

Juror Statement

This photograph features unique visual characteristics and a use of perspective that draw me to it and make me want to examine further. I appreciate the creative composition and choice of subject matter that illustrates one of the most relatable and frustrating aspects of the pandemic that forced do-it-yourself home grooming activities. The image speaks to me of uncertainty and aloneness, and a need for distraction from pain and fear. But I can also see the hope and determination of the subject in learning a new skill, creating a fresh look, and moving forward into a new chapter while making the best of the circumstance.

This visually compelling work cleverly utilizes the depiction of a haircut, formerly an unremarkable part of life, and skillfully shows how the task has evolved into a symbolic representation of an historic period in which the world was forced to adapt, learn, stretch and grow.

---Laura Cotton, University of Michigan-Dearborn Art Curator and Competition Juror

Artist Statement

Unemployed, panicked, and reeling from a lack of control after a sleepless night, I did what anyone would do: a drastic home makeover to drown out the noise of crisis. All was going smoothly until I reached the back of my head and realized I don’t own a hand mirror. The solution was to watch my mirrored reflection shake in the window of my cellphone's camera. Unsure whether to laugh or cry, this picture was a result of my best efforts at coping alone through quarantine, shot just before convincing my partner to help me tame the mess I was in.

---Cody Lovelace

Artist Bio

Cody Lovelace is a transfer student pursuing his Bachelor of Science in Computer Science at the University of Michigan-Dearborn. By day, he works as a sign language interpreter, passionate about improving communication and information accessibility. Though he has never found himself behind the lens prior to this contest, his work has taken him to photography classes at local colleges, providing some key background knowledge while interpreting for deaf and hard-of-hearing students. During his spare time, Cody enjoys reading, cooking and baking, video gaming, creating art, and attempting to hone his pandemic haircuts. Once he has earned his degree at UMD, he hopes to combine his passions into engineering software that supports the learning, access, visibility, and empowerment of marginalized people.