
messaging bubbles reveal snippets of different multiracial people, transposed onto the silhouette of a person.
(Image sourced from December 3, 2020 Code Switch newsletter. Illustration by Dion MBD. Used with permission. )

Advancing opportunities for APID/A staff at U-M


In Fall 2017, a few Asian Pacific Islander Desi / American (APID/A) identifying staff gathered with an interest in building community. There was a need to meet each other, share our individual and collective sets of work, explore the possibility of creating a more consistent space where APID/A staff can meet one another and network, and get a sense of how many other identifying staff existed on campus. The group began gathering informally and the staff association was formed. The core members of the group solidified the pillars of the group after connecting with other affinity-based groups on campus and learning about best practices for creating a sustainable organization. This also provided an opportunity for a Coalition of affinity-based groups on campus to connect on important issues which continues on.


The Asian Pacific Islander Desi/American Staff Association serves any staff member interested in engaging with the APID/A experience on the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor campus. The Association provides a variety of opportunities for staff to connect as a community. The work is based off of the 4 pillar acronym RACE.


Professional development, sharing events, and opportunities


Organizing and mobilizing around issues, taking a stand on matters of concern


Mentoring, support, programs, and opportunities for networking


Educating ourselves and others on issues that impact our community