Road Sign Identification & Lane Detection

Nathan Geddes, Alison Hake, Rundong Shi, Megan Tran, Nithin Vedamuthu

Project Overview

The goal of our project is to accurately detect and classify road signs from still images and detect lane markings in video clips from inside moving vehicles. These are key components in autonomous vehicles and while our system may not be road-ready, we hope to have a good base that can be developed on further and implemented on self-driving hardware.

One of the biggest topics in engineering today is autonomous driving, and our project works with some of the most important aspects of autonomous driving. While the car is driving it is key for the car to stay in it's lane, and also abide by the road signs present, because they contain very important information for the driver to know. The road sign and lane detection are two things that can not have many bugs or problems. These two detections are what keep drivers safe, which is one main reason many people do not trust autonomous driving vehicles on our roads.

In order to have autonomous driving cars on the roads, detection is one of the biggest things that engineers must get perfectly right. As a group we have started looking into this field and tried to create a program that would do just that.