
Hot and Ultra-hot Jupiter atmospheric dynamics

Broad characteristics of the atmospheres of hot and ultra-hot Jupiters have began to be characterized by observations with the Spitzer and Hubble space telescopes along with ground-based observatories. The rich 3D structure of hot Jupiters will be studied in detail with current and upcoming observations with ground-based high spectral resolution observations and the James Webb Space Telescope. Motivated by these observational datasets, I conduct 3D models of the atmospheres of hot Jupiters using techniques inherited from the study of Earth's climate and atmospheric dynamics. My research involves developing a hierarchy of models, from pen and paper theory to sophisticated general circulation models, in order to better understand the fluid dynamics and radiative transfer that shapes the emergent properties of hot Jupiter atmospheres. Some specific questions I am currently investigating in the realm of hot and ultra-hot Jupiters include:

1) How does the coupling of molecular dissociation, clouds, and magnetic effects conspire to shape the atmospheric circulation of ultra-hot Jupiters? 

2) Can the emerging large sample of hot Jupiter phase curves inform us about universal physical processes that control their atmospheric dynamics? 

3) How does the deposited heating that acts to slow the internal cooling of hot Jupiters affect their deep atmospheric dynamics?

Temperature and wind maps (top) and zonal-mean zonal wind (bottom) from a MITgcm simulation of WASP-76b. From May & Komacek et al. (2021).

Atmospheric dynamics and climate of temperate rocky exoplanets

The atmospheres of rocky exoplanets are just beginning to be studied with current observatories, and JWST will enable a first characterization of the atmospheres of these planets. I conduct 3D general circulation models adapted from those of Earth to study the atmospheric dynamics of these planets both in order to understand the broad range of possible rocky exoplanet climates and to make predictions for upcoming observations. Some specific questions on rocky exoplanets I am investigating include:

1) How prevalent are large-scale storms on tidally locked exoplanets, and can they cause variability at an observable level?

2) How does detailed cloud microphysics feed back on climate and affect observable properties of rocky exoplanets?

3) How do climate extremes over the broad parameter space of rocky exoplanets differ from that of Earth? Can we use Earth-based theories to predict climate variability on rocky exoplanets?

Maps of the column-integrated cloud mass of a simulated TRAPPIST-1e with the ExoCAM GCM, showing strong spatial and temporal variability in cloud coverage. From May et al. (2021).

Planetary internal evolution

The interiors of planets are intricately connected to their atmospheres by heat transport and cycling of volatiles and metals. I study the internal evolution of planets using simplified models in order to understand both physical processes relevant for their interior evolution and how the interior affects their atmospheric circulation and climate. Some specific questions on the internal evolution of gas giants I am investigating include:

1) Can observations of main-sequence and post-main-sequence re-inflation of hot Jupiters constrain the mechanism that leads to inflated radii of the full sample of hot Jupiters?

2) Does the internal evolution of hot Jupiters have observable consequences for their emergent properties? 

3) Are atmospheric composition measurements indicative of bulk composition, or does stable stratification affect mixing in hot Jupiters?

MESA evolution models of a hot Jupiter that undergoes time-varying incident flux during the evolution of its host star and a constant conversion from stellar irradiation to deposited heating at various pressure levels. From Komacek et al. (2020).