ExoBUGS group

Exoplaneteers Building Understanding with Gcms and observationS (yes, it's contrived)

The partner and I hiking in Aravaipa Canyon, AZ

Tad Komacek (he/him)

Hi! I'm a third-year assistant professor at the University of Maryland. My research interests are in the atmospheric circulation, climate, and evolution of (exo)planets. I'm most interested in interpreting state-of-the-art atmospheric observations with detailed numerical climate models and pen and paper theory. I also dabble in internal evolution and interior-atmosphere coupling.

Hayley Beltz (she/her)

Hayley Beltz is a postdoc who received her Ph.D from the University of Michigan in 2023. Dr. Beltz is an expert on the impact of magnetic fields on the atmospheric dynamics and observable properties of hot and ultra-hot Jupiters, and is interested in constraining exoplanet dynamics from both low- and high-resolution spectroscopic observations. For more, see Hayley's website: https://hayleybeltz.com/.

Jordan Ealy (she/her)

Hello, hi!! I’m currently a 5th year at the University of Maryland studying the Star-Planet Connection. My research interests lie in determining how low mass stars and their planets evolve together, informed by observations and modelling. I am also huge into science education and learning how other people learn!

Ell Bogat (they/them)

Ell is a fourth-year Ph.D student at the University of Maryland. Their research focuses on searching for planets via JWST direct imaging observations. Ell's primary research advisor is Joshua Schlieder (Goddard). 

Hiking/vibing in Zion National Park

Emeline Fromont (she/her)

Hey! I’m a third-year Astronomy graduate student at the University of Maryland studying exoplanet atmospheres. My previous research at NASA Goddard focused on the atmospheric escape of terrestrial-sized planets in the L 98-59 system. Currently, I am interested in the atmospheric circulation of hot/ultra-hot Jupiters, and I’m curious about the impact of rapid stellar rotation and gravity darkening on the behavior of exoplanet atmospheres!

Matt Lastovka (he/him)

Matt is a second-year Ph.D student at UMD working with Tom Barclay and the Roman Space Telescope team at NASA Goddard.

Willow Houck (any pronouns)

Willow is a post-baccalaureate researcher who received their Bachelor's in Astronomy from UMD in 2023. Willow is working with Hayley Beltz and Tad Komacek on the effects of magnetism on the atmospheric dynamics and observable properties of ultra-hot Jupiters.

Tobi Hammond (they/them)

Hello! I am a recent graduate from UMD who studied astronomy and planetary sciences, and now I am a post-baccalaureate researcher at NASA Goddard working with Ravi Kopparapu and the SEEC team. My honors thesis research was related to modeling the atmosphere of TRAPPIST-1e, specifically while varying obliquity. I am also interested in searching for bio-signatures and exoplanet geology. :)

Cole Smith (he/him)

Howdy! I'm an incoming graduate student here at UMD, recently having recived bachelor's degrees from UMD in Physics and Astronomy. Thus far, my research has been focused on observational astronomy and analyzing the unorthodox brightening of the Centaur Chiron near its aphelion. I work with Dr. Komacek and Prof. Dan Chavas (Purdue) to study the prevalence of tropical cyclones on nearby rocky exoplanets, including TRAPPIST-1e and Proxima Centauri b. I also have a personal interest in the search for habitable planets and extraterrestrial life!

Julia Cottingham (she/her)

Julia is a fourth-year undergraduate student at UMD studying the impact of condensate clouds on the atmospheric dynamics and observable properties of hot Jupiters with the MITgcm and CARMA for her senior thesis in collaboration with Emeline Fromont.

Anshuraj Sedai (he/him)

Anshuraj is third year undergraduate student at Caldwell University, NJ. As a part of the GRAD-MAP Summer Scholars, Anshuraj is working with Dr. Komacek and the ExoBUGS group to research on volatile cycling and atmospheric loss on terrestrial planets near the cosmic shoreline.

Cristofer Varela (he/him)

I'm currently an undergraduate intern at UMD's Physical Science's Astronomy Department. My current research focuses on the effect of magnetic fields on the circulation of ultra-hot Jupiter atmospheres, advised by Dr. Hayley Beltz. 

Alumni group members:

Yoav Rotman (he/him)

Yoav is currently a Ph.D student at Arizona State University working with Prof. Mike Line. Yoav was an undergraduate student at UMD who did his Astronomy honors thesis work in the group on the detectability of carbon dioxide, methane, and water vapor in the atmosphere of TRAPPIST-1e.

Justin Chen (he/him)

Justin is an undergraduate student at MIT, previously a high school student at Montgomery Blair High School. Justin's research as a high school student focused on simulating the atmospheric circulation of sub-Neptunes with the MITgcm.

Ronit Kapur (he/him)

Ronit is an incoming undergraduate student at Duke University. While at Thomas Jefferson High School, Ronit's research in the group focused on simulating the effect of gravity darkening on the atmospheric circulation of ultra-hot Jupiters, especially KELT-9b.