DIT Security
The Security group is charged with protecting the university’s information technology networks, systems, services, and data from misuse, intrusion, damage/loss, and theft. Our major functions include (but are not limited to) security operations and incident response; Security consultation, engineering, and architecture; guidance and documentation on compliance and assessment; and enforcement of the acceptable use policy.
Please join us for an interactive program in which we’ll share aspects of the team’s work, and touch on the career preparation we’ve had for our various roles.
Zoom: https://umd.zoom.us/s/93499712924?pwd=OWd4ZE5XYlFidDBZczZlT1hZVHZSUT09#success.
Time: 2:00 PM
Top row left to right:
Amy Ginther;
Dana Cocchiarella, Global Information Assurance Certifications (GIAC): GSEC, GCIH, GPEN, GWAPT;
Prisca Anyiam;
Ed Condon, Ph.D., Global Information Assurance Certifications (GIAC): GCIA, GCFA, GPYC, GWAPT, GCIH, GPEN
MIddle row left to right:
Gerry Sneeringer;
Bertrand Sobesto, Ph.D.;
Steven Bochniewicz;
Kevin Shivers, Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP)
Bottom row left to right:
Steve Gunzburg, Certified Information Systems auditor (CISA), International Organization for Standardization (ISO)--ISO 27001;
Jonas Amoonarquah, Global Information Assurance Certification (GIAC): GCFA;
Robert Dean