Media Coverage 

"The Science of Reducing Prejudice in Kids: Making schools more welcoming for all can make for a fair and just society" - Melanie Killen recently published an article in Scientific American. Read it here! 4/16/24

"What kids lose without snow days" - Melanie Killen recently provided commentary on a Vox article. Read it here! 2/24/24

"Who should we include to join our group" Equity Matters - Montgomery County Public Schools Newsletter

"How to teach about race: One way is to have kids talk to each other in class" The Washington Post 9/19/21

“Developing Inclusive Youth: Harnessing Social Cognition about Exclusion to Reduce Prejudice and Bias” Professor Melanie Killen’s talk for the SRCD Child Development in a Diverse Majority Lectures Series. 12/21/20.


“The Dos and Don’ts of Talking About Race with Kids” Parents Magazine 7/13/20


“‘Education via Computer Needs to be Limited’: Psychologist Says Parents Must Step up to Nurture Kids in Age of Coronavirus” CBS 4/2/20


“Even very young children can become prejudiced but schools can do something about it” Conversation 2/18/20


“UMD research team awarded $1.67 million for program aimed at reducing childhood bias” University of Maryland’s Stories Beneath the Shell blog 11/18/20


“Building Morality” on the Super Awesome Science Show, Global News, Canada Podcast 10/01/19


“Kids on Race: The Hidden Picture” news story commissioned by Anderson Cooper for CNN AC360, which aired for five nights in 2012. CNN AC360 here. Emmy Award for Outstanding News and Analysis, October 2013.