Sparks! Catalysts! Teachers!

We are joined in this Discussion Series by Community Advisors, Academics, and Leaders from Non-Profit Organizations who all have deep experience in Co-production. We consider all of these advisors as sparks, catalysts, and teachers for our work together.

Larry Campbell & Jamie Donatuto

Swinomish Elder Larry Campbell (wanaseah) has been actively involved in Coast Salish tribal affairs for 40 years. He has an extensive background in cultural resources, tribal policy, government-to-government relations, and community health. Larry has a Bachelor of Arts degree in tribal government. He co-manages the Swinomish Community Environmental Health Program with Dr. Jamie Donatuto. Jamie has worked with Coast Salish tribes for 20 years, and much of that time has been in collaboration with Larry-- developing and implementing community-based indigenous health indicators. Jamie is a researcher and practitioner, with a current focus on evaluating tribal health-related impacts from climate change, developing community-driven adaptive management projects, and managing a Coast Salish foods and resources community education program. Jamie completed her doctoral studies at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, in the interdisciplinary graduate program of Resource Management and Environmental Studies.

Fred Tutman, Riverkeeper & CEO

Fred was born and raised along the Patuxent River as were seven generations of his ancestors before him. As the Patuxent Riverkeeper, an organization he founded in 2004, Fred is a grassroots community advocate for clean water in Maryland’s longest and deepest intrastate waterway. He is among the longest serving Waterkeepers in the Chesapeake region and the only African-American Waterkeeper in the nation. He lives on an active farm located near the Patuxent that has been his family’s ancestral home for nearly a century. Prior to founding Patuxent Riverkeeper in 2004, Fred operated a business that provided professional media and mass communication services internationally, including a long stint working with and advising traditional healers in West Africa and coverage of the Falkands conflict in Argentina on assignment by the BBC. Fred also worked as a volunteer activist on the Patuxent for over 20 years until the momentum of the volunteer environmental work overcame his media career and the challenge of Riverkeeping beckoned.

Rabiah Nur

Through Spring of Light Rabiah, has worked for the last 50 years to educate the public about the need to work together to find solutions that will benefit the world community at large and at the same time tailor it to their respective localities. Rabiah is a medicine woman whose Mixed Native American roots frame her work. She teaches energetically connecting with all things, plants, trees, animals etc. and helps to integrate the energy of the Divine Mother.

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Please Stay Tuned for Additional Contributers and Advisors in this space