
My scholarship centers on how economic, political, and gender stratified contexts influence wellbeing, especially among women. I study various social phenomena related to (intimate partner) violence; sexual assault and abortion laws; and the neighborhood context of (adolescent) crime, health, and risk behaviors. My research involves the use of large-scale survey data sources, quantitative/statistical analysis (e.g., cross-sectional pooled time series, event history, HLM/HGLM), and content/discourse analysis of legislation.

Check out my Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCiD) profile to see a current list of my publications.

Select Publications

Jackson Soller, Aubrey and Erin R. Coleman. 2024. “The Gendered Ecology of Violent Victimization and the Stress Process.” Wellbeing, Space and Society (in-press). 

Jackson, Aubrey L. and Alexis M. Kenney*. 2021. “The Sociopolitical Context of Abortion Bill Authorship in Texas.” Social Currents 8(4):358-377. 

Jackson, Aubrey L. 2016. “The Combined Effect of Women’s Neighborhood Resources and Collective Efficacy on IPV.” Journal of Marriage and Family 78(4):890-907.\

Jackson, Aubrey L., Christopher R. Browning, Lauren J. Krivo, Mei-Po Kwan and Heather Washington. 2016. “The Role of Immigrant Concentration Within and Beyond Residential Neighborhoods in Adolescent Alcohol Use.” Journal of Youth and Adolescence 45(1):17-34. 

Jackson, Aubrey L. 2015. “State Contexts and the Criminalization of Marital Rape Across the United States.” Social Science Research 51:290-306.

Jacobs, David and Aubrey L. Jackson. 2010. “On the Politics of Imprisonments: A Review of Systematic Findings.” Annual Review of Law and Social Science 6:129-49.