Affect, Cognition, & Emotional Disorders Lab

Director:  Dr. K. Lira Yoon 

Welcome to the Affect, Cognition, & Emotional Disorders Lab!

The Affect, Cognition, & Emotional Disorders (ACED) Lab at UMBC is directed by Dr. K. Lira Yoon. Our research in the ACED Lab focuses on the interactions between various cognitive processes and emotions to better understand emotional disorders. Most of our research falls under three interrelated lines of investigation: biased processing of emotional stimuli (e.g., interpretation, memory) and mechanisms underlying such biases (e.g., executive function), stress reactivity and recovery, and emotion regulation. In pursuit of these lines of research, we use a multi-method approach, including self-reports, behavioral assessments, and psychophysiological assessments.


University of Maryland, Baltimore County

408 Sondheim Hall

Baltimore, MD 21250

2023 Affect, Cognition, and Emotional Disorders Lab. All rights reserved.