E-Book titles available for online reading
Braiding sweetgrass : indigenous wisdom, scientific knowledge and the teachings of plants
by Robin Wall Kimmerer
Say we are nations : documents of politics and protest in indigenous America since 1887
edited by Daniel M. Cobb
Yakama Rising: Indigenous Cultural Revitalization, Activism, and Healing
by Michelle M. Jacob
The New Media Nation : indigenous peoples and global communication
by Valerie Alia
Reparations for Indigenous Peoples: International and Comparative Perspectives
by Federico Lenzerini
That Dream Shall Have a Name: Native Americans Rewriting America
by David L. Moore, David
Aspects of Transnational and Indigenous Cultures
edited by Hsinya Huang and Clara Shu-Chun Chang
Indigenous Cities: Urban Indian Fiction and the Histories of Relocation
by Laura M. Furlan
Defend the Sacred : Native American Religious Freedom beyond the First Amendment
by Michael D. McNally
Braiding Legal Orders: Implementing the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
edited by John Borrows, Larry Chartrand, Oonagh E Fitzgerald, Risa Schwartz
Hollow justice : a history of Indigenous claims in the United States
by David E. Wilkins
Indigenous peoples and the Second World War : the politics, experiences and legacies of war in the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealan
by R. Scott Sheffield, Noah Riseman
Settlers in Indian country : sovereignty and Indigenous power in early America
by Charles W. A. Prior
Pablo Tac, Indigenous Scholar : Writing on Luiseno Language and Colonial History, c.1840.
by Pablo Tac (1822-1841)
edited by Lisbeth Haas 2011
Connecticut's Indigenous Peoples: What Archaeology, History, and Oral Traditions Teach Us About Their Communities and Cultures
by Rosemary Volpe
Indigenous Knowledge for Climate Change Assessment and Adaptation
by Douglas Nakashima
A Line of Blood and Dirt: Creating the Canada-United States Border Across Indigenous Lands
by Benjamin Hoy
Selections curated from Healey Library's collection by Roxann Harvey, August 2022