Graduate Student Opportunities

The overall research goal of the lab is to better understand how sensory feedback affects biomechanics, energetics and performance during human locomotion. We focus specifically on interactions between sensory feedback, neuromuscular control, movement dynamics, metabolic cost and performance.

Currently, our team is at maximum capacity, so we have very limited opportunities to join our lab. Still students from groups that are underrepresented in biomedical sciences are strongly encouraged to reach out.

Due to the high number of prospective students reaching out throughout the year, I am unable to respond to all emails as they arrive and I might not take time to reply before November/December. If you want to hear from me make sure to include your CV/resume, to tell me about your research goals and experience, and to show that you are motivated and pro-active.

Teaching and research assistantships are available on a competitive basis. Each assistantship should include a stipend, tuition waiver, and health-fee waiver, as well as a waiver of some student fees.

Graduate Admissions:
For the UMass Kinesiology program, each faculty member accepts his/her own graduate students. This means that rather than applying to the program at large, students apply to study under a specific faculty member.

For September admission the priority application deadline is December 1, with applications accepted until February 1.

For those excited about our program, but not
interested/able to join a research lab, UMass Kinesiology now also offers a course-based, self-paid M.S. degree.

More info
here, feel free to reach out to Miriam Esber any time.