Digital language learning of 

preservice language teachers


Funding. The research project Digital language learning of junior language teachers (DEFINERS) receives funding from the Spanish Government (TED2021-129984A-I00),  and is managed by the University of Malaga and distributed worldwide. 

DEFINERS aims to expand knowledge and offer practical guidance for digitally enhanced teacher training, with impact for better language education provided by teachers across diverse levels of instruction to better equip educators for digital challenges. Novelty. Its integrative nature, in its multifocal approach to language learning in digitally mediated contexts like social media and video games. The novelty of DEFINERS also lies in placing pre-service and junior teachers as the potential generators of the pedagogical change needed across all educational levels to make digital transition and transformation a reality. The team is international, and the project aims at producing internationally relevant research. Methods. we propose a mixed-methods study with three data collection instruments: a questionnaire analyzed in statistical terms,  interviews conducted internationally, and follow-up chats and observation and sharing of documents with interested participants from the interviews. Results. DEFINERS expects to bring clarity regarding how digital informal language learning is shaping the mindsets and practices of pre-service and junior language teachers; how institutions of formal language education are taking profit from the ways in which pre-service and junior language teachers learn languages digitally and informally; the opportunities and challenges pre-service and junior teachers face if and when they want to translate or bridge any informal language learning practice into formal education; and how language education can contribute to a better understanding of the 21st century communication skills needed for a smooth and competent digital transition. Discussion. Detailed quality research can organize existing literature and expand existing knowledge. There is a common thread that unites us: the need for deeper knowledge for internet-based education, cognition, and teaching. We present some key dimensions in Dooly and Thorne (2018), but we still lack detailed knowledge on the specific population of pre-service and junior language teachers. Such approximation is a prerequisite if we want digital transition and transformation to serve as a leap forward for the general population, especially children and adolescents as the future generations who might lead and consolidate the digital transformation we are envisioning today.


The questionnaire will be published in an OA repository.


The guidelines and interview questions will be published in an OA repository.

Follow-up observation

The guidelines and procedures for the observation will be published in an OA repository

Final report

Once we collect and process all relevant data, a final report will be published here with its corresponding ISBN number.

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