Dr Hadi Fuaad

Biography (Click to expand)

Abdullah Al-Hadi Ahmad Fuaad, or simply Hadi Fuaad, completed his bachelor’s degree (JPA Scholar, Bachelor of Biotechnology – Chemistry, Class of 2010) and research higher degree (UQ International Scholar, Doctor of Philosophy, Class of 2015) from the University of Queensland, Australia. He was supervised by Professor Dr Istvan Toth and Dr Mariusz Skwarczynski. His doctoral and postdoctoral experiences exposed him to diverse research cultures at six different institutes including the School of Chemistry and Molecular Bioscience, Queensland Institute for Medical Research, Institute for Glycomics, Queensland Tropical Health Alliance, Institute for Molecular Bioscience in Australia, Department of Chemistry Universiti Malaya, Malaysia, and more recently at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, United States. Then, he received specialist training on state-of-the-art equipment (automatic peptide synthesiser, NMR, MALDI-MS) and high-quality training from excellent researchers in modern peptide chemistry, such as for cyclotides synthesis - tarantula toxin, plant defensins, protease inhibitors and conotoxins, and in Harvard, he was trained as a Nanotoxicology expert (aerosol) under Professor Joseph Brain and Dr Ramon Molina. Currently, his research work involves computational design, synthesis and characterization of peptide antivirals (Principle Investigator – University Malaysia Small Research Grant), and development of peptide-based carriers for anti-cancer drug (PI – Majlis Kanser Malaysia Research Grant) and peptide-based carriers for biopesticide delivery (PI – Frontier Research Grant Scheme). Apart from teaching and research, he is supervising 1 PhD and 2 MSc students. He welcomes individuals interested to further their studies and any interested parties for collaboration and knowledge sharing.

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Visiting Scientist at Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health (2018-2019)
