Maths Intervention

Computer-based maths intervention using a video game

The GBL4deaf project

As a researcher, giving  children support in mathematics using a computer-based intervention. Children with or without special needs played the delta version of the Space adventure: Defend the planet!. The children, aged between 9 to 16, played the video game between pre and post-test game sessions. 

The video game “Space adventure: Defend the planet!” is open-sourced.

GBL4deaf project goal is designing an inclusive game intervention to promote learning and mathematics engaging, in children without and with special needs, particularly, deaf children.

Non-computer-based maths intervention using the Method Kiel - Numerical Images

Núcleo da Discalculia - Apoio Pedagógico e Formação

As a psychologist and director of Nucleo da Discalculia, I  give pedagogical support to children with Dyscalculia and low maths achievers using the Method Kiel - Numerical Images.

Nucleo da Discalculia main goal is to evaluate and support children with mathematical difficulties based on scientific evidence, including my research work.