Research Center for Sustainable Products and Processes
MSE - Manufacturing Science and Education (since 1999)
The aim of the conference is to bring together professionals from universities and industry to provide an opportunity for the exchange of knowledge and ideas regarding trends in new industrial revolution, as well as modern educational methods used in the technical universities.
- Design, Manufacturing and Management of Technological Equipment and Systems
- Management, Modelling and Monitoring of Manufacturing Processes
- Advanced Manufacturing Technologies
- CAD-CAM and Virtual Engineering
- Quality Engineering and Management
- Transport Engineering and Road Vehicles, Traffic Management
- Management and Economic Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics and Robotics
- Textile Technologies
- Engineering in Oil and Gas Field
- Environmental Engineering
- Safety and Health at Work
- Academic Education and Management
- Training workforce skills in digitalization era of Factory of the Future
More information can be found here:
BRCEBE - Balkan Region Conference for Engineering and Business Education (since 2003).
The conference's mission is to disseminate recent research findings and development outcomes in engineering and business education as well as capacity building, with a focus on interdisciplinary and cross-cultural collaboration. This conference offers a unique opportunity for academics, practitioners and students from around the globe to share their knowledge, concerns and perspectives on educational environment and mindset, suitable for the development of innovative tech-products, tech-apps, business-processes, business-models and personal development with a global and local impact.
- Entrepreneurship education and research
- Innovative new methods for engineering and business education
- Cooperation between academia and business
- Knowledge management in engineering and business education
- Sustainability in engineering and business education
- New curricula development
- Quality management in engineering and business education
- Lifelong learning
- Dual study program
- Multimedia in engineering and business education
- Social and philosophical aspects of engineering and business education
- Management of engineering and business institutions
- HCI (Human Computer Interaction) applications for educational purposes
- The heritage and the development of national culture under economic globalization
- National culture innovation and education development
More information can be found here: