Latest News

Important Updates

During the events, if there are any major changes then they will be listed at the TD desk. Updates may also be posted on the Regional Facebook groups.

Not sure where to find your Regional Facebook group? Please email

11th February

We hope that you all had a great weekend and managed to get home safely!

Congratulations to Newcastle for winning Division 1, and to Brighton 1 for coming top in Division 2.

Final standings can be found on the online schedule (link above). Full spirit results and breakdowns can be found HERE:

Well done to Loughborough 1 and Brighton 1 for winning the Spirit of the Game Awards in their respective divisions!

9th February

SCHEDULE UPDATE: Some games have been moved to earlier in the day. Please make sure that you check the schedule for the correct time.

BEFORE YOU LEAVE: Please make sure that your team has spoken to the TD before you go home at the end of the day. Thanks.

8th February

Just a reminder to everyone to please submit your spirit scores for today! The link is on the General Information page.

Also, if you have any concerns about your travel plans due to the weather forecast then please contact the TD on 07984563597. Thanks.

5th February

No issues have been raised with the schedule so we are happy to now CONFIRM it for this weekend.

Please check the schedule carefully to make sure that you know your team's correct start time.

Also, don't forget that the pitch surface this weekend is 3G.

4th February

The DRAFT schedule is now available to view. As usual, please do not make any concrete plans yet as the schedule may change, however we hope to be able to confirm it tomorrow.

If you notice any issues then please email ASAP.

29th January

Unfortunately we have had a dropout. We are currently trying to find a team to fill the spot. We will send out the schedule as soon as we can, but it may be that we need to re-write the schedule.

9th December

Entries close on Thursday 19th December! Make sure that you enter through your AU (for Div 1) or on the GoMembership website (Div 2) before you go home or before University closes for the holidays.