English Version


Why is the article NOT in MyATP while the record is in PRIME?


In the case of publication information not being displayed, the actions to be taken are:

1. Please select SESSION in User Profile. If you are not sure about the session for the publication (referring to the publication date), you can refer to the Reference Menu -> List of Session 

2. Then click on the following MENU:

For Journal Articles:
Menu Research & Publication -> Research -> International/National Publication From Research -> Journal Article

For the Proceeding Paper:

Menu Research & Publication -> Research -> International/National Publication From Research -> Proceeding Paper

Others :

Menu Research & Publication -> Research -> International/National Publication From Research -> Tab (publication category) ] or at [ Academic Publication -> Tab (publication category)


Why is there an article that exists in PRIME but does not exist in MyATP?


For publication information display, MyATP takes into account the following:


Why is the appointment letter information I updated unsuccessful?


a) Please ensure that the Appointment Letter/Certificate Number for each appointment is different.

b) If the letter number is the same, then please make sure you add -1, -2 and so on at the back of the letter/certificate number.

     For example Appointment Letter No : ABC123, Appointment A: ABC123-1, Appointment B: ABC123-2, Appointment C: ABC123-3.

c) Please also make sure the date for the appointment is in the correct session.

d) The Session List can be checked on the Reference Menu -> List of Session


What if I forget my password?


Please click recovery password on the main login screen and follow the next step.


How do I change my PPP and PPK?


The appointment of PPP and PPK is carried out by the HR2U moderator at the end of the performance evaluation year.
Please consult the Assistant Registrar (Admin) for more information


What should I do if MyATP displays a message that the system is having access problems or technical problems?


The problem can be solved by first checking the following:

1. Please check the keyed-in input - no special symbols

2. File upload in .pdf format only

3. The size of the uploaded .pdf file does not exceed 20MB

4. Make sure the uploaded file name does not have special symbols and not too long

5. Make sure the date format for the date field is dd/mm/yyyy

If unsuccessful, report your problem at


How do you want to clear the cache if you have difficulty accessing MyATP?


The way to clear the cache is:

If using Google Chrome:

1. Click More Tools

2. Click Clear Browsing data

3. Tick all and click Clear Data

If using Mozilla Firefox:

1. Click History

2. Click Recent History

3. Tick all and click Clear Now


What does ATP Earned and ATP Obtained mean?


ATP Earned is the actual total hourly equivalent amount earned for a session/semester.

ATP Obtained is the number of equivalent hours obtained after the cap has been applied with the maximum number of hours for each category in
ATP. Each lecturer must meet the minimum hours of 39 hours per semester.


I am a new lecturer, how do I get MyATP user id and password?


Every lecturer who has an active SIMS account will automatically have a MyATP account as well. Therefore can contact the Assistant Academic Registrar (AR) at the respective faculty/campus and follow the process of applying for a new academic support system account for further action.


Can I choose a track for each semester according to my own wishes or suitability?


Track selection for each lecturer is determined by the respective faculty/campus. You have to follow a predetermined track.
All lecturers are basically Teaching Tracks where:
1. Research Track -> Requires approval of application to RMC -> Senate approval -> appointment from respective PTJ
2. Academic Leadership Track -> Based on the appointment of academic administrators who hold the position of TNC up to Coordinator
3. Industry Practitioner Track -> Based on approval at the faculty/campus level


Where do I refer to the Academic Circular on ATP?


The Academic Circular on ATP and other circulars related to MyATP can be accessed in the Reference -> Reference Document menu
or on the BHEA website at


What does SESSION in USER PROFILE mean?


The Session List can be checked on the Reference Menu -> List of Session


Why does my score on the ATPT report not change, even though I have updated the latest information on MyATP?


Please make sure to click ATP Calculation to allow the system to re-calculate ATP after a new update is made.


Why is there no ODL Content Development on my menu as advertised for lecturers for 2020?


As stated in the Academic Circular, ODL Content Development equivalent to 3 hours per course is only eligible for lecturers grade 52 and below and only for sessions 20202 and 20204.


I am a DM52 grade lecturer, why is there no ODL Content Development tab on my dashboard?


Please make sure you are in the correct session. Please click USER PROFILE-> SESSION "20202" or "20204" before updating.


Why is my consultation record not in MyATP when I have updated it in the ICONS system?


Integration continues to be implemented with the ICONS System which has a status of reviewed and approved according to the start date and end date. You need to check in the correct session on MyATP. Information entered through the iExpert system (appointments that do not involve payment) that starts with a project reference number E for example E20201112001 NO INTEGRATION with MyATP. Lecturers can update directly through the EXPERTISE sub-menu screen in MyATP for related results.


I asked PYD to make changes to the ATPT and PYD has updated and submitted a new ATPT, but why does his ATPT score not change on my dashboard as PPP?


If PPP has verified (status = VERIFIED) the PYD report, any changes in the PYD record will only be taken if PPP clicks UNVERIFIED to ensure the latest ATPT PYD scores are displayed.


Why is PYD's SuFO score displayed as 0 when PYD has ATS in the assessment year?

The PYD's SuFO score information displayed is taken from the integration of the lecture timetable system (ICRESS) and the SuFO assessment made by the same group of students at iLEARN/UFUTURE. It uses staff numbers as the main reference. If the PYD's SuFO score is 0, this means that no record was found for the related staff on these two systems in the previous two sessions of the assessment year.


I have updated the equivalent hours on the Teaching & Learning Menu for each course according to the study semester, but why does the system not calculate my KS and PS causing ATS not to be calculated in ATP?

Check the input screen in the field of total equivalent hours per semester for each method, whether Lecture/Tutorial/Lab and make sure all values ​​ entered are NUMBERS, not spaces or null, if not, enter a value of 0.


I have made changes in my APT after the specified date, but why does my PPP not receive my latest marks displayed on his screen even though I have pressed the SUBMIT button again?


If this situation occurs, the step that can be taken is that you, as a PYD, need to inform PPP if you have made an update after the set period because it is possible that PPP has validated the document/score that has been updated and sent before that.


I, as a PPP, have validated the documents/scores sent by the PYD, but the PYD made an update after that. What should I do?


If you, as a PPP, have validated the previous document delivery, then you need to:

1. Click the VERIFIED button, and then at the bottom of the document, click UNVERIFIED and validate again.

2. Next, click the EVALUATION button to change the Personal Quality score (if necessary).


Why is my ATPT distribution 35%-20%-45% when my post grade is 54 and below, which should be 60%-20%-20%?


University Executive Meeting (MEU) No. 37/2020 on 11 November 2020 has approved the percentage distribution for the Institutional Leadership Track between the essential duties as a lecturer and the responsibilities of leadership (Personal Quality) in the LNPT is 35%-20%-45% for the position of Higher Academic Administrator of the University i.e. Director, Dean, Rector, Assistant Vice-Chancellor and Deputy Vice-Chancellor effective assessment year 2020.


I am grade DM52 and Teaching and Learning Track and do not hold the position of Academic Administrator, but why is my ATPT-QA-Personal Quality distribution 35%-20%-45%?


Please check in the SERVICE & ADMINISTRATION menu; there is a possibility that you fill the position of DIRECTOR for an activity/event program in the ACADEMIC ADMINISTRATION tab, which will cause the calculation of ATP K3* and the distribution of 35%-20%-45% as an Academic Administrator. You need to make corrections where the information/appointments should be entered in the COMMITTEE tab.

I am a PPP. Can I update the information in the DECLARATION button on the PYD I submitted?


Can't. The information updated in the DECLARATION section cannot be changed once the PPP has been confirmed and submitted.


As a PYD, last semester, I took a maternity leave and it caused me to have no KS information in MyATP, will this situation cause my ATPT score to be less and not enough 80% for my LNPT score?


For this situation, you can update achievements in sections other than ATS during the semester you are on maternity leave, PPP and PPK can evaluate Personal Quality. PPK is allowed to use the 3rdCOLUMN column to replace the ATPT score (if necessary) resulting from the meeting results at the respective PTJ level.


As a PPP, I found that I should evaluate some lecturers that are not on my EVALUATION dashboard list.


Please get in touch with the officer appointed as HR2U Moderator because the selection and appointment of PPP and PPK in the year under review are implemented and updated in the HR2U system by the Deputy Registrar/Assistant Registrar/Executive Officer in the respective PTJ Administrative Office.


After being checked in eCompliance, why are my publication results not in Table 2?

Lecturers should check the following:


What should I do if I get the display "Error in the declaration of selection track, please validate your input for institutional leadership track"?


The statement informs lecturers that the academic administration positions filled in MyATP (through the Services&Administration menu) are not included in positions recognized for the Institutional Leadership track as stated in Academic Circular No. 5/2017 Implementation of the Trust of Lecturer Tasks ( ATP 3.0) UiTM. Please refer to the faculty to confirm the position held (choices from Unit/Academic Coordinator to Vice Chancellor only). If not, please change to another track.


As a MyATP moderator, what must I do for staff to evaluate the first six months of service?


For the assessment of the first six months of 2023, please ensure the following:

- Moderator generates form & determination of PPP PPK in HR2U is for 2023.

- PYD fills in the correct MyATP session which is session 20234.


Error No Max Value is Found



- Check each session, and make sure the track and level of research has been established.

- Usually happens when 1 or both Trek Research sessions, but the level of research is NONE.

- Click again on TRACK, first change to Teaching & Learning, select Research Track > Calculate ATP EVERY SESSION > Submit ATPT


Make sure you have calculated ATP EVERY SESSION > Submit ATPT


Error PPP Unable to Evaluate QA


- Read the posted notice.

- Occurs when PYD has not completed QA

- PYD needs to complete QA > Update > Submit