
Our current major project is a collaboration looking at the association between childhood obesity, oral inflammation, and timing of tooth eruption. 

DENTAGE: A multi-component subadult dental age estimation method (Funded by NIJ)

The Effects of Food Insecurity on the Oral Microbiomes of Children in Chicago (Funded by UIC CCTS Pilot Grant program)

Obesity, oral inflammation, and timing of dental eruption (Funded by a Biomedical Research Award from the AAOF)

Key collaborations include:

Collaboration with Naba Lab  (UIC College of Medicine): The role of Sned1 in craniofacial development

Collaboration with Yamaguchi Lab (Showa U, Japan): Association between GHR1, GHR2, EDAR and mandibular morphology

Collaboration with Butaric Lab (Des Moines U): Effect of climatic adaptation on nasal growth and development

Collaboration with Moreno, Hong, and Amendt Labs (U. Iowa College of Dentistry): Modeling 3D shape variation in cleft defect shape, and biomechanical implications