Project 2


In order to use this project you need to make sure you have Unity downloaded(on a windows PC). You can download this on the Github repository that is listed below by downloading the zip from the green code button. To run this there are two ways, the first way is simulating the VR headset in unity you can do this by hitting the play button at the top and play around with VR controls by using the wasd keys to move around the kiosk, using 2 and 3 for the controllers, using the mouse to pick up or throw objects, and using 1 to deselect the controller. Or you can get a quest plug it in and switch the platform to Android and build it and then close out of unity and reopen the project and run the project via the Quest headset. Using the application you can move around the kiosk, pick up the objects and throw or drop them around the room. The kiosk is selling stuff from different video games that I have played and objects that can be bought from video games to survive like food and drinks. And a dine in table to eat it.


The link above will tell you how to install the project and get it running on the Quest headset.

Project Requirements

Below will be a picture and the requirement they met for the project. Anything I got I will link as where I get it from and author if applicable. Also any object that is grabbable will be listed underneath that model

Downloaded Model 1

Download Model 2 and with physics and collision

This is an apple I downloaded from,, TahirNilin. You can pick this model up and throw it across the room and it will it the wall or drop it and land on the floor. You can also collide this with other interactable objects.

Downloaded Model 3 and Animation 1

This is Teemo, I downloaded from,, this model also ahs the zombie walk animation I got form mixamo. You will see this when you run the application. This is by Theannemine.

Download Model 4 with physics and collision

This is Eevee a model I downloaded from, You can grab, throw, and drop Eevee. This is by selgrayshade.

Downloaded Model 5

This is a vending machine I downloaded from, This was suppose to be used to spawn objects but could not get it to work. This is by chrisg4919.

Downloaded Model 6 with physics and collision

This is a pokeball I downloaded from,, by Yanez Designs. You can grab, throw, and drop these pokeballs in the Kiosk.

Downloaded model 7

This is a VR headset as we are in the simulated world from,, by 0101design

Downloaded model 8 with physics and collision

This is a soda can from,, by Yanez Designs. You can grab, throw, and drop the soda can in the kiosk.

Downloaded model 9 with physics and collision

This a plate from,, by Phillip Stephens. You can grab, drop, and throw the plate in the kiosk.

Downloaded model 11 with physics and collision

This is a fork from,, by abdillaamy. This fork can be picked up, grabbed, and thrown around the kiosk.

Downloaded model 12 with physics and collision

This is a spoon from,, by Jiří Kuba. This spoon can be picked up, tossed, and thrown around the kiosk.

Downloaded model 13 with physics and collision

This is a ramen mode from,, by mokhovski. This ramen model can be picked up, tossed, and thrown around the kiosk.

Downloaded model 14 with physics and collision

This a teemo shroom mug from,, by Hidea. This can be picked up, tossed, and thrown around the kiosk.

Downloaded model 15 with physics and collision

This is Vivi from,, by Therealyton. This can be picked up tossed, and thrown around the kisok

Below are Models created

Created model by me that is an orange, created model 1.

Created model by me that is a barrel, created model 2.

This is a shroom I made this also has the rotation animation, created model 3.

This is the arrow I made this also has physics and collision, created model 4.

Sword model I made, created model 5

Lighting Source

Spotlight that is teal that was used

Directional light used

Mixamo Human

Mixamo Human

This is the my make human model I made of myself when you play the scene the animation it performs is typing to the machine to input the price and if you use the controllers to touch the model I play a soundfx that says as you wish since you most likely purchasing items.

Running the project and FPS

Starting the application gives me around 35-45 fps

Holding a object gives me around 40 FPS

Tossing the object seemed to give me the lowest FPS at around 30


After using the Quest 1 vs simulating a VR world in Unity there were many differences between the two. The first one is the usage of the tools. When working with a simulated world the FPS seemed to be a bit higher than in the Quest 1. This maybe because if different hardware the PC and Quest 1 have. The textures and materials are preloaded on the PC and then added into Unity while when using the Quest it just uploading the scene to be viewed with in the VR world. While viewing on both platforms I noticed Another thing I notice when interacting is the huge difference of controls. When using the Quest I could actually view the world with walking in real life and setting up a boundary just in case I did not want to collide with anything and even saw if I passed this barrier. When using the simulated world I could only view using the wasd keys and going around the map but not as a human but more with your hands. Another nice thing about the Quest 1 was detecting turn around on the simulator you would have to move the mouse but in the VR headset you get to turn around in real life. As noted earlier, with the VR world allows a boundary feature which is nice if you want to test a small portion of the world compared to simulating as you load in every thing.

The interactions between Quest 1 and the simulations were different as well. Using the Quest 1 felt so alive as you had to get up close and get the monitor with your hands and click a button to pick up and let it go by letting go of the button. While in the simulated world you would walk up, press either 2 or 3 for the controllers and left click to pick it up then press 1 and run around to place your object by letting go of the left click mouse. The interactions were a lot smoother in the Quest 1 and a lot more easier and user friendly once you get use to the button and features the Quest 1 has to offer.

I think both have their benefits, I think the Quest 1 has the most benefits but we all live in different worlds and some may not have the money or funding for a Quest 1 so they may opt to go for the simulating space feature. But the Quest 1 has nice and easy features while capturing the most accurate FPS rates possible. The Quest 1 allows easy to use controls, player boundary, and movement capture that is a lot easier than using a keyboard and mouse. But with every thing that is nice it cost money that a lot of people may use the simulation world to test their project.