Course Information

Course Information 

This two credit  course was developed through a collaboration between members of Radical Public Health (RPH), UIC School of Public Health (SPH) graduate students, and faculty who were brought together in 2018 by a sense of urgency to address ongoing threats to democracy, social justice, and the public’s health. Reactionary politics and policies--and resulting unjust circumstances--have a long history and are resurgent today. This course will focus on the historical, social, cultural, and political factors related to the historical and contemporary health, and the historical and contemporary resistance and rebellion through public health, as seen through interdisciplinary and cross-movement work. Through the exploration of these legacies, we seek to learn how today, we can leverage our positionality and resources for social justice and health equity. This course will provide a historical understanding of structural and socioeconomic determinants of health and point to both modern and historical examples of how we can leverage our work for advocacy. Through guest lecturers and action labs, students will also learn from others’ experiences and workshop tangible skills that will prepare them to engage in action and advocacy with others across disciplines and sectors. 

Radical Public Health (RPH), a collaborator on this course, is composed of students, alumni, faculty, staff, practitioners, and community members who seek to address the systemic, underlying causes of public health challenges and to consider more radical solutions. RPH hosts group discussions, guest lectures, film screenings, panel discussions, and teach-ins on relevant issues. This course is supported by the Community Health Sciences (CHS) division at the UIC School of Public Health. 

To learn more about why this class is open to the public, visit this article:

Course History

You can visit our class websites from past years to learn about that year's theme, guest speakers, readings, and watch lecture recordings.

2024 Planning Committee

Planning for this semester began in March 2023. The planning group was organized by RPH and consisted of UIC undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, staff, and alumni, as well as community members. The group met biweekly or weekly throughout the past 10 months. The following individuals contributed to making this class possible. We would like to recognize and thank other RPH members, CHS faculty, and the Collaboratory for Health Justice for assisting.

Poster Presentation from Northwestern National Collaborative for Education to Address the Social Determinants of Health (NCEAS) Conference 2024

FINAL E of I NCEAS Poster.pptx.pdf

Session Information

Session Dates and Times

This course meets weekly on Thursdays from January 11th-April 25th. There will be no class on March 21st due to UIC's spring break.  The course features guest lecture and action lab class sessions. Action labs will include interactive activities to facilitate development of critical public health skills. 

Community members

Community member are invited to join sessions from 5:30-7 pm cst for guest lecture and action lab sessions.

UIC students taking the course for credit

UIC students taking the course for credit will be expected to attend guest lecture and action lab session from 5:30-7 pm cst, then stay for an additional 30 minutes until 7:30 pm cst to debrief the lecture or action lab with other students in the class. 


This course currently takes place via Zoom. Please visit the Registration Links tab for information about how to register for sessions. 

Instruction Team

Community Facilitator

Yvette Castañeda, PhD, MPH, MBA 

Dr. Yvette Castañeda is Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Foundational Sciences and Humanities at the Chicago Medical School and Community Engagement Core Lead for the Michael Reese Foundation Center for Health Equity Research. She earned a Masters of Public Health in Health Administration from The UIC School of Public Health (SPH), and a Masters of Business Administration from The University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) Liautaud Graduate School of Business; a PhD in Kinesiology at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) as well as a completed a postdoctoral fellowship with The Great Lakes Center for Occupational Health and Safety (GLC-OHS) at the UIC-SPH. Her experience broadly spans across the following areas of expertise: teaching, mix methods research and analysis, leadership development, strategic planning, culturally responsive evaluation, community health assessment, quality of life, social-contextual antecedents to chronic disease, precarious employment and labor market disparities, and population health of ethnically diverse populations, and the undocumented. 


Her research interests include:

Teaching Assistant 

Katie O'Connell

Katie O'Connell (she/her) is a second year MPH student in the Community Health Sciences division, a member of Radical Public Health, and is from the south suburbs of Chicago. She has experience working in the mental health field and her interests include drug and alcohol use,  chronic illness and disability, and healthcare access. This is her second year as a TA for Epidemics of Injustice. 

Administrative Staff

Emily Etzkorn, MPH

Emily Etzkorn (she/her) is a Program Manager at the UIC School of Public Health leading several different initiatives which all sit at the intersection of health equity, structural change, and student affairs. A Chicago native, she is also a recent alumni of the MPH program at UIC. Emily has experience in community engagement methods and program evaluation,  and her interests broadly include culturally humble health education and community-based participatory research. 


IPHS 430 Epidemics of Injustice Syllabus 2024

Course Objectives

At the end of this course, students should be able to do the following: 


If you have questions or comments, please send an email to Katie O'Connell ( with E of I in the subject line. Katie will respond to emails within 48 hours with the exception of emails received over the weekend and holidays.