
There are 29 models in total in the scene, both for day and night conditions:

  1. Roses

  2. Swing Set

  3. Ferris Wheel

  4. Trampoline

  5. Table

  6. Mug

  7. Chair

  8. Bike 1

  9. Bike 2

  10. Car

  11. Dragon

  12. Zolla

  13. Dog 1

  14. Dog 2

  15. Dog 3

  16. Dog House

  17. Rabbit

  18. Slide

  19. Rock 1

  20. Dead Tree

  21. Sculpture

  22. Street Lamps

  23. Colorful Ball 1

  24. Colorful Ball 2

  25. Colorful Ball 3

  26. Stop Sign

  27. Traffic Light

  28. Fountain

  29. Soda

Also there are 11 models which I made using Blender:

30. Lamp

31. Bench

32. Fence

33. Ball

34. UIC Sign

35. Blue Flowers

36. Trash Bag

37. Trash Can

38. Bike Rack

39. Sign

40. Dog Treat

They are all visible in the following screen shots, numbered the same.

Night time

The models are the same for day and night. The sun will be off at night and the moon will be activated. The moon has less intensity and a blue-ish light color, but to be honest it does not make much of a difference. The grove will be illuminated by street lamps and the lights from some of the rides. Here's some screen shots from the night view.


There are three kinds of sounds in this environment. First is the ambient 2D sounds which can be heard equally from any location. Second are the 3D sounds which have a source and get louder as you get closer to their source. The last kind is the sound of talking, which can be heard if you get close enough to some of the people. Here is a list of sounds for each kind.


  • Sound of the street (cars, wind, ...)

  • Sound of birds

  • Sound of crowd

3D Sounds:

  • Sound of the Carnaval (Which is attached to the swing set)

  • Sound of a conversation between two people

  • Sound of water from the fountain

  • Sound of dog barking in the dog park

  • Sound of a dog yipping in the dog park

  • Car horn which is played only when you click on it


  • The woman at the table asking is you want to buy tickets

  • The woman on the bench laughing (the animation is not playing yet) asking if you want to hear a joke.

  • The man (who is supposed to be your friend) asking how you are doing.