Starting from traditional craftsmanship towards innovation, we embark on a journey to investigate regenerative materials and design approaches while establishing a new, but old community gathering space at the PASTORIE.

Our exploration takes us from excess to sufficiency, from linear to circular, from resource depletion to regeneration. Collaborating with neighbors, local stakeholder, researchers, practical experts, and industry partners, we delve into the possibilities offered by craftsmanship and inventive solutions using regenerative materials, with the ultimate goal of fostering a sustainable and inclusive society that coexists harmoniously with nature.

We invite the community of Helchteren to participate in the BUILDING FESTIVAL, during which we will organize a series of interactions and interventions with the aim to create a space by us, with you, for you.

More information about the academic structure and backgrounds of the postgraduate Building Beyond Bricks edition can be found on the UHasselt BuildingBeyondBorders website.

The focus of this edition is on creating a new community center for the people of Helchteren.

Through combining hyperlocal & sustainable building materials with reused ones from to be demolished neighbourhood's houses, we want to give a new life to the Pastorie of Helchteren and its garden.