OrganiSing Committee

Eva Geurts

Postdoc researcher in Computer Science at the Expertise Centre for Digital Media (EDM) of Hasselt University and Flanders Make. In her research, she investigates, among other things, how to design and develop systems to enhance/support certain skills of the human being (in industry/assembly), as well as providing monitoring and informative solutions to support well-being in different contexts, e.g. assembly and physical activity.

Gustavo Rovelo Ruiz

Postdoc researcher in Computer Science at the Expertise Centre for Digital Media (EDM) of Hasselt University and Flanders Make. His research explores the way to improve the design and development of computer systems whose aim is to enhance, and recover, physical and cognitive skills of the human being. To this end, in his research he studies among other areas: 3D user interfaces for Augmented and Virtual Reality, intelligible and adaptive user interfaces, persuasive technology, e-Health, and well-being at the work place.

Steven Houben

Assistant professor in human-computer interaction at Eindhoven University of Technology. His research focuses on physical and ubiquitous computing systems. His work explores physicalizing human-data interaction to support “from sensor to physicalization” and study new co-creation processes, concepts, interaction paradigms, and data embodiments for non-expert human-data/AI interaction.

An Jacobs

Currently Part time Associate Professor in the Department of Media and Communication Studies at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) in Belgium. She is also Principal Investigator at the research centre SMIT (Studies on Media, Innovation and Technology). In this position, she is Program manager of the Data and Society program, and an interim unit leader of the research unit “ Digital Health and Work” in close cooperation with imec (Belgian/Flemish R&D and innovation hub in nanoelectronics and digital technology). Her scientific research focuses on the people centred development of digital applications in the health and work context (coordination, communication, monitoring, experience). Participation and empowerment are central concepts in the applied mixed methods. As founding partner of the research centre BruBotics (VUB), her team studied human robot interaction in a diverse set of contexts in health care and manufacturing.

Benjamin Weyers

Assistant Professor for Practical Informatics leading the Human-Computer Interaction group at University Trier. His research interests include virtual reality, development and evaluation of interactive systems in work, formal methods in human computer interaction, especially the use of Petri net-based description concepts and graph transformation systems for modeling flexible and adaptable user interfaces, interactive data analysis and information visualization, collaborative and learning systems, as well as ambient intelligent systems.

Philippe Palanque

Professor of Computer Science at the University of Toulouse III. His research focuses on interactive systems design, development, certification and deployment in various safety critical contexts (e.g., aircraft cockpits, satellite workstations).

Kris Luyten

Professor in Computer Science at Hasselt University, a member of the Expertise Centre for Digital Media (EDM) and PI at Flanders Make. He explores how to design, develop, deploy and validate intelligible interactive systems for work environments, amongst others for the manufacturing industry and for work environments that put a high cognitive and physical load on their workers.