Tuesday June 7, 2022; Rome, Italy (live/hybrid)
HCI and worker well-being in manufacturing industry
Our goal
In industry, systems are primarily designed and built for production efficiency, while taking safety into account because of regulatory frameworks that are in place. In this context, even though research has studied well-being aspects in industry, such as support and improvement of ergonomics, there is a long way to achieve workable work.
To close that gap, in this workshop we want to explore how we can design, build, and validate user interfaces for industry to support long term growth and development of human workers performing manual labour. To this end, we want to focus on the exploration of research supporting training of physical and cognitive skills (process oriented) without sacrificing the well-being of workers. We are open to recent developments in rehabilitation sciences, (eXplainable) AI, safety-critical systems, e-health, persuasive system design, human-robot interaction, among other HCI subdisciplines that can find its way into the design of industrial interfaces to improve worker well-being, as well as the definition of the appropriate methodologies for the validation of such solutions.
We welcome position papers, late breaking results, but also use cases and experience reports that can help steering the community efforts providing a healthy, safe and well-adapted work environment for workers around the globe. Not only to protect and ensure their well-being, but also to enable longer participation in the labour market.
We are in the process of requesting a Special issue for Frontiers in Computer Science (Human-Media Interaction section). If accepted, authors with a contribution to this workshop will be invited to submit an extended version of their work for the peer-reviewed process for the journal issue.
Topic of Interest (open list)
Intelligible user interfaces
Persuasive design
Inclusive design for the workplace
Explainable AI
Well-being, workable work and office vitality
IoT and the connected work floor
Mental Health (e.g. Depression, Stress, Anxiety)
Office/workplace ergonomics
Physical and cognitive workload
XR for industrial tasks (training and on the job guidance)
Human-Robot interaction (e..g exoskeletons, cobots)
Human-data interaction
Future of work
How to Contribute?
Submit your contribution by sending us an email to: hci_well-being[at]uhasselt[dot]be
LaTeX, through Overleaf: SIGCONF template
Word: Interim Template
Contributions should be submitted in a PDF document of 2-4 pages in length (references excluded). Upon acceptance, at least one author will be required to register to the AVI conference and attend (physically or virtually) the workshop. Notifications will be sent to the authors according to the dates indicated below.
Do you have any questions about the workshop? Contact us at hci_well-being[at]uhasselt[dot]be
Important dates
Paper due: Sunday, March 27, 2022 23:59 AoE Extended April 05, 2022 23:50 AoE(via hci_well-being[at]uhasselt[dot]be)Due to several requests, we decided to give authors one extra week.Paper acceptance notice: Wednesday, April 27, 2022Paper camera-ready: Monday, May 9, 2022Workshop day: Tuesday, June 7, 2022