

Session Recording and Q&A Document for myBP November session with Brad Booker can be found here!

Navigating the Elementary Counselor Account in myBlueprint - Session Recording and Q&A

Check out this quick video to help you get started with myBlueprint!

Want to see me about how myBP can support middle school learners? Check out this myBlueprint webinar recording.

Want human help getting started? 

Reach out to arrange a time to meet with Tracy Hunter (K-12 Program Lead  for Student Success, Transitions, and De-streaming) (

What kind of account do you have?

All teachers in UGDSB have access to a myBlueprint account. Different roles will be assigned different types of account, which can be changed if you find your needs/role changes. Click on the doc on the right to see what features are accessible by your current account. 

Read the article below to learn more about the different types of accounts available. 

The UGDSB Teaching with Tech page has been revamped to support a variety of digital tools including myBlueprint!

Click on the image to go straight to the myBlueprint page of this website. 

Read and Write and myBP.mp4

This video (<4min) focuses on using Read and Write to support accessibility and reinforce literacy strategies while doing career exploration with myBlueprint.

Students and teachers  can access myBlueprint on different devices. This doc can help support troubleshooting!

Education Planner Mobile device requirements

Support Parent/Caregiver Communication by Inviting them to Get a Family myBP Account!

These cards are available to schools - email to request some!

Looking for ideas to integrate myBP month to month? Check out the implementation guides linked in below!

Course Selection with myBlueprint

myBP Lesson Plan - Transitioning to High School

Also check out "Transitions Portfolios" samples:

Math Transitions Portfolio Example

English Transitions Portfolio Example

Use this lesson with your students to support their connection to myBlueprint and course selection:

myBlueprint Transitioning to High School Activity

myBlueprint has French resources too! 

Just click on the French button on the top of the Resources page. 

Student Directed Videos from the Grade 7/8 Guidance Team

Grade 8 IPP Tasks Add 2 Goals.webm

How to add goals to your myBlueprint account. A student directed video.

How to Navigate Career Clusters on MBP- Screen Castify

A short video for students demonstrating the how and why of career cluster exploration on myBlueprint.

Copy of How To Use Goal Setting Tool on MyBlueprint.webm

A short video helping students do goal setting in myBlueprint.

Copy of How to Add a Goal to a Portfolio.webm

A 1 min quick tip from for students for adding goals to a portfolio!

Using Screencastify with myBlueprint.webm

A video to support teachers and students using Screencastify to record myBP portfolio presentations.