March 22nd (Friday)

10h00min - 11h00min

The Place of an Aretaic Ethics in a Triple Normative Theory

Darlei Dall"Agnol - UFSC

11h00min - 12h30min

Orientation in moral thinking [online]

Carla Bagnoli - Univ. Modena & Emilia Reggiano

Lunch 12h30min - 15h00min

15h00min - 16h00min

AI as Ethical Agents: The Quest for Normative Clarity

Evandro Barbosa - UFPEL

16h00min - 17h00min

Inescapable normativity: morality and the emotions

Mariana Kuhn de Oliveira - CEBRAP-IPP

Coffee Break 17h00min - 17h30min

17h30min - 19h00min

Rational Agency and the Nature of Normative Concepts

Geoffrey Sayre-McCord - Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill