March 20th (Wednesday)

14h45min - 15h00min

Opening session and brief introduction to the conference

Vitor Sommavilla - UFPB and Gabriel Rezende -UFPB

MORES Research Group and LABNORM Research Group

15h00min - 16h00min

Normativity and Empirical Psychology in Kant

Maria de Lourdes Borges - UFSC

16h00min - 17h00min

Aspects of Normative Pragmatics of Moral Discourse

Rogério Antonio Picoli - UFSJ

Coffee break 17h00min - 17h30min

17h30min - 18h30min

Modest Constructivism: Outline of a Project

Rafael Vogelmann - UFSM

18h30min - 19h30min

De-idealizing Moral Responsibility: the Epistemic Condition Must Go

Beatriz Sorrentino - UFMT