Quantum Systems in Noronha - QuSys 23
November 12-17, 2023 | Fernando de Noronha PE - Brazil

Quantum systems are no longer only platforms to investigate fundamental science, but they are also turning into tools to implement new technologies. In this context, a variety of quantum systems are being investigated theoretically and experimentally, to create and harness entanglement, probe exotic dynamics and new phase transitions, or create sources of quantum light, among others. In this context, this event aims at gathering researchers from different fields, from atomic physics to quantum information and computation, and working with different platforms (cold atoms, trapped ions, quantum dots), to discuss recent advances in the field.

This workshop addresses the dynamics of many-body quantum systems, with a focus on platforms of quantum emitters and their use to process quantum information. These topics will be intensively discussed through presentations and informal discussions. The main topics of interest are listed below:


Invited Speakers & Participants


A tentative schedule can be found here.

Important dates & Fees

Deadline for registration & for submission of contributed talk/poster: September 20th, 2023

Link for registration and abstract submission: here.

Registration fees (for those not exempted) : R$3200 / 600 




With regards to any query that you might have, please contact us: andrecidrim@gmail.com 
