So, who am I?

Since 2015, I have been an associate professor in the Department of Physics at UFSCar. I have also been a member of the Superconductivity and Magnetism Group (GSM, Grupo de Supercondutividade e Magnetismo) since 2009. GSM is a condensed matter experimental group that explores fundamental and novel properties of nanostructured superconductors and magnetic materials. My current research interests include vortex dynamics and flux avalanches in hybrids and nanostructured films to manipulate magnetic flux in devices. To do so, we have employed the Magneto-optical imaging technique, which allows us to map the flux distribution in superconducting films and their hybrids. I am also interested in the deposition and characterizing metallic thin films and preparing nanowires of superconducting ceramic specimens. Recently, the proposal entitled  "Electromigration in nanostructures" was selected to be financially supported by FAPESP (The São Paulo Research Foundation), starting a new research topic in the group.


I started of in different Brazilian public schools (E. E. Profa. Maria Stella de Cerqueira César, E. E. Prof. Baltazar de Godoy Moreira, and E. E. Dr. Waldemar Moniz da Rocha Barros) in the city of Marília, São Paulo. I graduated in Physics in 2006 and finished my master in Materials Science and Technology at Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho - UNESP/Campus Bauru in 2009. From 2009 to 2015, I did my Ph.D. and post-doctorate in the Superconductivity and Magnetism Group at UFSCar. Part of my doctorate was also developed at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in Belgium.


Teaching has always been present in my life, initially as a primary and advanced computer teacher before starting my undergraduate. After taking my undergraduate degree at Unesp/Bauru, I was a physics teacher in courses for college admittance/booster classes and technical schools.

If you are interested in studying different aspects of Condensed Matter Physics, whether at the undergraduate level (Scientific Initiation [Iniciação Científica] or Senior Undergraduate Thesis [Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso, TCC]) or postgraduate level (master or doctorate), please browse the current and past research topics for more details and get in touch with me about joining the lab or starting a collaboration.


Prof. Maycon

My theses:

English Title: Structural inhomogeneities in nanoscopic samples of high critical temperature superconductors, 2009

PhD defense in Apr 12, 2013.

Links to:

Images taken by Lincoln B. L. G. Pinheiro during his Ph.D. studies at GSM/UFSCar, which finished in December, 2019. At this time, we built a chamber for evaporating low-melting temperature materials, such as Pb, Sn, Al, and Ge. The images show:

(1) Lincoln B. L. G. Pinheiro on the left, Prof. Motta on the right, and the first lead film prepared at GSM in the center.

(2) Prof. Motta;

(3) Lincoln B. L. G. Pinheiro on the left, Otávio A. Pedroso (undergrad student at that moment), and Prof. Motta on the right;

(4) Prof. Motta.