
On this page you will find more info about the activities of teaching and research developed by Prof. Maycon Motta in the Superconductivity and Magnetism Group (Grupo de Supercondutividade e Magnetismo) in the Department of Physics (Departamento de Física) at UFSCar.

Image taken on April 4th, 2018, by Lincoln B. L. G. Pinheiro after an aluminum evaporation, which was also deposited in an optical window.  This film was grown by the conventional thermal evaporation technique developed by Pinheiro under my  supervision.

Opportunity (Open Position): 

A Master's Scholarship (24 months, financially supported by FAPESP) is available to work on Electromigration in metallic superconducting devices. For details, click here.

The best thesis of Condensed Matter Physics 2024:

The Brazilian Society of Physics has selected Davi Chaves’ thesis as the best doctoral thesis in ​​Condensed Matter Physics this year (for defenses in 2023). His thesis, "Magnetic fields as a tool to control superconducting device," is available at this link (in English). Link to the news (in Portuguese).

Research interests




News (in Portuguese)


What course should I take? (In Portuguese)
Que curso eu faço? Bacharelado e Licenciatura em Física da UFSCar

Institutional video that presents the undergraduate course in Physics at UFSCar with the participation of Prof. Maycon.

Students Awards Bernhard Gross - Brazilian Materials Research Society

Awards received by student Davi Chaves during the XIX Brazilian Materials Reasearch Society Meeting (XIX B-MRS).

For more details, click here (in Portuguese).

Universidade Federal de São Carlos - Departamento de Física

Rodovia Washington Luis, km 235 - São Carlos - SP - Brazil

Zip Code: 13565-905

Telephone: +55 016 3351-8228