
Our lab currently develops research in partnership with:

- Forestry Science and Research Institute (IPEF,

- Forest Productivity Cooperative (FPC,

Both were created in late 60’s to integrate universities and the private sector. They significantly influenced silviculture around the world, and I´m really fortunate to be part of them. Here are some examples of our main research.

Our network of co-authors (some are hidden by others!)
Our main keywords of research
Some of our main research projects


The Eucflux Project is continuously measuring carbon sequestartion and water use on Eucalyptus plantation for more than 14 years over consecutive rotations. 


The TECHS project studied the influence of abiotic and biotic stresses on the productivity of clonal Eucalyptus plantations across a 3500 km gradient from the Amazon region to Uruguay.

Check our special issue on Forest Ecology and Management

TECHS Special Issue - FE&M

ModProd - IPEF

Derived from the TECHS Project, the ModProd project is using process-based and hybrid modeling approaches to predict productivity and uncertainties on Eucalyptus plantations under current and future climatic scenarios.   

Restoration Silviculture - IPEF

This project is evaluating the combination of silvicultural treatments to maximize carbon stock in restoration plantations across a range of climatic types in Brazil. These trials include up to 120 different Atlantic forest tree species.   

RW07 - FPC

The RW7 trials are evaluating the effect of soil preparation, fertilization and weed control on productivity of Pinus taeda plantations in Brazil. 


The RW20 is evaluating the effects of genetics, silviculture and stocking on productivity of Pinus taeda plantations in USA and Brazil. 

All these projects are developed with the collaboration of several harworking colleagues  around the world: