
All publications are listed below. If you want a copy, send me an e-mail.

Map of citations around the world with metrics.

88. Basílio, J. J. N., Campoe, O. C., Queiroz, T. B., de Souza, C. R., Carneiro, R. L., Alvares, C. A., & Figura, M. A. (2024). Fine Root Density Dynamics and Carbon Stock of Eucalyptus spp.: Interplay of Age, Genotype, and Edaphoclimatic Conditions. Plants, 13(11).

87. Sumnall, M. J., Carter, D. R., Albaugh, T. J., Platt, E., Host, T., Cook, R. L., Campoe, O. C., & Rubilar, R. A. (2024). Evaluating the transferability of airborne laser scanning derived stem size prediction models for Pinus taeda L. stem size estimation to two different locations and acquisition specifications. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 45(16), 5267–5294.

86. Mantoani, M. C., Guerra, L. C. C., Andrade, M. F., Dias, M. A. F. S., Dias, P. L. S., Rodrigues, F., Silva, D. M. C., Filho, V. B. D., Rudke, A. P., Martins, J. A., Martins, L. D., Torezan, J. M. D., Brancalion, P. H. S., Guillemot, J., Campoe, O. C., Phillips, V., Carotenuto, F., Šantl-Temkiv, T., Morris, C. E., & Gonçalves, F. L. T. (2024). Land-use patterns and fungal bioaerosols in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest biome. Discover Environment, 2(1).

85. Rubilar, R. A., Valverde, J. C., Barrientos, G., & Campoe, O. C. (2024). Water and Temperature Ecophysiological Challenges of Forests Plantations under Climate Change. Forests, 15(4), 654.

84. Cook, R., Fox, T. R., Allen, H. L., Cohrs, C. W., Ribas-Costa, V., Trlica, A., Ricker, M., Carter, D. R., Rubilar, R., Campoe, O., Albaugh, T. J., Kleto, P., O’Brien, E., & McEachern, K. (2024). Forest soil classification for intensive pine plantation management: “Site Productivity Optimization for Trees” system. Forest Ecology and Management, 556.

83. Hackman, J., Cook, R., Strahm, B., Carter, D., Woodley, A., Garcia, K., Albaugh, T., Rubilar, R., & Campoe, O. (2024). Pinus taeda carryover phosphorus availability on the lower Atlantic Coastal Plain. Forest Ecology and Management, 555.

82. Queiroz, T. B., Montes, C. R., & Campoe, O. C. (2023). A New Method to Calibrate Cardinal Temperatures for Eucalyptus Plantation. Forests, 14(8).

81. Cornut, I., Delpierre, N., Laclau, J.-P., Guillemot, J., Nouvellon, Y., Campoe, O., Stape, J. L., Fernanda Santos, V., & le Maire, G. (2023). Potassium limitation of forest productivity – Part 1: A mechanistic model simulating the effects of potassium availability on canopy carbon and water fluxes in tropical eucalypt stands. Biogeosciences, 20(14), 3093–3117. 

80. dos Santos, J. A., Campoe, O. C., de Souza, C. R., Marrichi, A. H. C., Carneiro, R. L., da Silva, P. H. M., de Mattos, E. M., Otto, M. S. G., & Gonsalez, B. T. (2023). Stomatal conductance models in Brazilian forest plantations: genotype and environmental effects on eucalypt and pine forests. New Forests. 

79. Hakamada, R., Binkley, D., Cegatta, I., Alvares, C., Campoe, O., & Stape, J. L. (2023). Stocking response of Eucalyptus growth depends on site water deficit across a 2100-km gradient in Brazil. Forest Ecology and Management, 546, 121325. 

78. Pimenta, E. M., Brito, E. G. dos S., Gomes, P. F., Ramalho, F. M. G., Vidaurre, G. B., Couto, A. M., Campoe, O. C., & Hein, P. R. G. (2023). Planting spacing influences radial variation of basic density and chemical composition of wood from fast growing young Eucalyptus plantations. Holzforschung, 0(0). 

77. Rubilar, R., Bozo, D., Albaugh, T., Cook, R., Campoe, O., Carter, D., Allen, H. L., Álvarez, J., Pincheira, M., & Zapata, Á. (2023). Rotation-age effects of subsoiling, fertilization, and weed control on radiata pine growth at sites with contrasting soil physical, nutrient, and water limitations. Forest Ecology and Management, 544, 121213. 

76. Barbosa, L. O., dos Santos, J. A., Gonçalves, A. F. A., Campoe, O. C., Scolforo, J. R. S., & Scolforo, H. F. (2023). Competition in forest plantations: Empirical and process-based modelling in pine and eucalypt plantations. Ecological Modelling, 483, 110410.

75. Sumnall, M. J., Albaugh, T. J., Carter, D. R., Cook, R. L., Hession, W. C., Campoe, O. C., Rubilar, R. A., Wynne, R. H., & Thomas, V. A. (2023). Estimation of individual stem volume and diameter from segmented UAV laser scanning datasets in Pinus taeda L. plantations. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 44(1), 217–247.

74. Valverde, J. C., Rubilar, R., Barrientos, G., Medina, A., Pincheira, M., Emhart, V., Zapata, Á., Bozo, D., Espinoza, Y., & Campoe, O. C. (2023). Differences in rainfall interception among Eucalyptus genotypes. Trees - Structure and Function.

73. Valverde, J. C., Rubilar, R., Medina, A., Mardones, O., Emhart, V., Bozo, D., Espinoza, Y., & Campoe, O. (2022). Taper and individual tree volume equations of Eucalyptus varieties under contrasting irrigation regimes. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science, 52.

72. Almeida, M. N. F. de, Vidaurre, G. B., Louzada, J. L. P. C., Pezzopane, J. E. M., Rocha, S. M. G., Camara, A. P., Oliverira, J. C. L., Alvares, C. A., & Campoe, O. C. (2023). Wood density variations of E. urophylla clone among growth sites are related to climate. Canadian Journal of Forest Research.

71. Caldeira, A., Krushe, A. V., Mareschal, L., da Silva, P., Nouvellon, Y., Campoe, O., Luiz Stape, J., Montebelo, A., Formaglio, G., le Maire, G., Guillemot, J., Ranger, J., & Laclau, J. P. (2023). Low nutrient losses by deep leaching after clearcutting and replanting Eucalyptus plantations in Brazil. Forest Ecology and Management, 534.

70. Câmara, A. P., Vidaurre, G. B., de Oliveira, J. C. L., Moulin, J. C., de Almeida, M. N. F., Teodoro, P. E., & Campoe, O. C. (2023). Rainfall exclusion changes the sapwood of eucalyptus wood in humid and dry sites. European Journal of Forest Research.

69. Albaugh, T. J., Carter, D. R., Cook, R. L., Campoe, O. C., Rubilar, R. A., & Creighton, J. L. (2022). Improving Pinus taeda site index from rotation to rotation with silvicultural treatments. Forest Ecology and Management, 526.

68. Ritz, A. L., Thomas, V. A., Wynne, R. H., Corey Green, P., Schroeder, T. A., Albaugh, T. J., Burkhart, H. E., Carter, D. R., Cook, R. L., Campoe, O. C., Rubilar, R. A., & Rakestraw, J. (2022). Assessing the utility of NAIP digital aerial photogrammetric point clouds for estimating canopy height of managed loblolly pine plantations in the southeastern United States. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 113. 

67. Shively, T.J., Cook R., Maier, C.A., Garcia, K., Albaugh, T.J., Campoe, O., & Zakiya, L. (2022) Readily available resources across sites and genotypes result in greater aboveground growth and reduced fine root production in Pinus taeda. For. Ecol. Manage. 521.

66. Colmanetti, M. A. A., Cuadra, S. V., Lamparelli, R. A. C., Bortolucci Júnior, J., Cabral, O. M. R., Campoe, O. C., Victoria, D. de C., Barioni, L. G., Galdos, M. V., Figueiredo, G. K. D. A., & Maire, G. le. (2022). Implementation and calibration of short-rotation eucalypt plantation module within the ECOSMOS land surface model. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 323, 109043.

65. Valverde, J. C., Rubilar, R., Medina, A., Mardones, O., Emhart, V., Bozo, D., Espinoza, Y., & Campoe, O. (2022). Taper and individual tree volume equations of Eucalyptus varieties under contrasting irrigation regimes. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science, 52.

64. Almeida, M.N.F., Vidaurre, G.B., Louzada, J.L.P.C., Pezzopane, J.E.M., Oliverira, J.C.L., Camara, A.P., Silva, M.E.,  Barros, A.I.R.N.A., Matos, C.C., Alves, A.M.M., Campoe, O.C., Alvares, C.A. (2022) Differences in wood anatomy and chemistry of an E. urophylla clone explained by site climate conditions. Canadian Journal of Forest Research.

63. Martello, M., Alvares, C. A., Tavares, T. R., Fiorio, P. R., Campoe, O. C., & Carneiro, R. L. (2022). Estimativa de altura de um teste clonal de Eucalyptus em diferentes idades utilizando imagens aéreas de baixa altitude. Scientia Forestalis, 50.

62. Sumnall, M. J., Albaugh, T. J., Carter, D. R., Cook, R. L., Hession, W. C., Campoe, O. C., Rubilar, R. A., Wynne, R. H., & Thomas, V. A. (2022). Effect of varied unmanned aerial vehicle laser scanning pulse density on accurately quantifying forest structure. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 43(2), 721–750.

61. Lembrechts, J.J., et al. 2022. Global maps of soil temperature. Glob Change Biol. Accepted Author Manuscript.

60. Barbosa, L.O., Finger, C.A.G., Costa, E.A., Campoe, O.C., Schons, C.T. 2022. Using crown characterization variables as indicators of the vigour, competition and growth of Brazilian pine, Southern Forests: a Journal of Forest Science.

59. Baroni. G.R., Campoe, O.C., Dobner Jr., M., Topanotti, L.R., da Silva, P.H. 2021. Mortality of Eucalyptus pilularis progenies and provenances after frost. Brazilian Journal of Forestry Research.

58. Zach S Grover, Rachel L Cook, Marcela Zapata, J Byron Urrego, Timothy J Albaugh, Ariel Zelaya, Tomasz Ozyhar, Rafael Rubilar, David R Carter, Otávio C Campoe, Eucalyptus grandis Response to Calcium Fertilization in Colombia, Forest Science, Volume 67, Issue 6, December 2021, Pages 701–710,

57. Albaugh, T.J., Albaugh, J.M., Carter, D.R., Cook, R.L., Cohrs, C.W., Rubilar, R.A., Campoe, O.C., 2021. Duration of response to nitrogen and phosphorus applications in mid-rotation Pinus taeda. For. Ecol. Manage. 498. 

56. Gonçalves, A.F.A., Santos, J.A., França, L.C.J., Campoe, O.C., Altoé, T.F., Scolforo, J.R.S. 2021. Use of the process-based models in forest research: a bibliometric review. Cerne 27, 1–11.

55. Brito, V.V., Rubilar, R.A., Cook, R.L., Campoe, O.C., Carter, D.R., Mardones, O., 2021. Evaluating remote sensing indices as potential productivity and stand quality indicators for Pinus radiata plantations. Sci. For. 49, 1–15.

54. Câmara, A.P., Vidaurre, G.B., Oliveira, J.C.L. de, Teodoro, P.E., Almeida, M.N.F. de, Toledo, J.V., Dias Jr., A.F., Maorim, G.A., Pezzopane, J.E.M., Campoe, O.C., 2021. Changes in rainfall patterns enhance the interrelationships between climate and wood traits of eucalyptus. For. Ecol. Manage. 485.  

53. Sumnall, M.J., Trlica, A., Carter, D.R., Cook, R.L., Schulte, M.L., Campoe, C., Rubilar, R.A., Wynne, R.H., Thomas, V.A., 2021. Remote Sensing of Environment Estimating the overstory and understory vertical extents and their leaf area index in intensively managed loblolly pine ( Pinus taeda L .) plantations using airborne laser scanning. Remote Sens. Environ. 254. 

52. Carter, D.R., Albaugh, T.J., Campoe, O.C., Grossman, J.J., Rubilar, R.A., Sumnall, M., Maier, C.A., Cook, R.L., Fox, T.R., 2020. Complementarity increases production in genetic mixture of loblolly pine ( Pinus taeda L.) throughout planted range . Ecosphere 11.

51. Carter, D.R., Allen, H.L., Fox, T.R., Albaugh, T.J., Rubilar, R.A., Campoe, O.C., Cook, R.L., 2020. Review Article - silviculture A 50-Year Retrospective of the Forest Productivity Cooperative in the Southeastern United States : Regionwide Trials 1–13.

50. Caldeira, D.R.M., Alvares, C.A., Campoe, O.C., Hakamada, R.E., Guerrini, I.A., Cegatta, Í.R., Stape, J.L., 2020. Produtividade atingível de eucalipto em diferentes ciclos climáticos para o estado de Rondônia. Circular Técnica - IPEF.

49. Santos, J.A., Matsumoto, S.N., Trazzi, P.A., Ramos, P.A.S., de Oliveira, L.S., Campoe, O.C., 2020. Morphophysiological changes by mepiquat chloride application in Eucalyptus clones. Trees - Struct. Funct.

48. Campoe, O.C., Binkley, D., 2020. Environmental and genetic influences on growth in Eucalyptus plantations: The TECHS special issue. For. Ecol. Manage. 1, 1–5.

47. Campoe, O.C., Alvares, C.A., Carneiro, R.L., Binkley, D., Ryan, M.G., Hubbard, R.M., Stahl, J., Moreira, G., Moraes, L.F., Stape, J.L., 2020. Climate and genotype influences on carbon fluxes and partitioning in Eucalyptus plantations. For. Ecol. Manage. 475.

46. Binkley, D., Campoe, O.C., Alvares, C.A., Carneiro, R.L., Stape, J.L., 2020. Variation in whole-rotation yield among Eucalyptus genotypes in response to water and heat stresses: The TECHS project. For. Ecol. Manage. 462, 117953.

45. Hubbard, R.M., Lorenzato, R., Campoe, O., Alvares, C.A., Aurélio, M., Gonçalves, G., 2020. Forest Ecology and Management Contrasting water use of two Eucalyptu s clones across a precipitation and temperature gradient in Brazil. For. Ecol. Manage. 475, 118407.

44. Soares, A.A.V., Scolforo, H.F., Forrester, D.I., Carneiro, R.L., Campoe, O.C., 2020. Exploring the relationship between stand growth, structure and growth dominance in Eucalyptus monoclonal plantations across a continent-wide environmental gradient in Brazil. For. Ecol. Manage. 474, 118340.

43. Schulte, M.L., Cook, R.L., Albaugh, T.J., Allen, H.L., Rubilar, R.A., Pezzutti, R., Caldato, S.L., Campoe, O., Carter, D.R., 2020. Mid-rotation response of Pinus taeda to early silvicultural treatments in subtropical Argentina. For. Ecol. Manage. 473, 118317.

42. Albaugh, T.J., Maier, C.A., Campoe, O.C., Yáñez, M.A., Carbaugh, E.D., Carter, D.R., Cook, R.L., Rubilar, R.A., Fox, T.R., 2020. Crown architecture, crown leaf area distribution, and individual tree growth efficiency vary across site, genetic entry, and planting density. Trees - Struct. Funct. 34, 73–88.

41. Almeida, M.N.F. de, Vidaurre, G.B., Pezzopane, J.E.M., Lousada, J.L.P.C., Silva, M.E.C.M., Câmara, A.P., Rocha, S.M.G., Oliveira, J.C.L. de, Campoe, O.C., Carneiro, R.L., Alvares, C.A., Tomazzelo-Filho, M., Figueiredo, F. de M. de, Oliveira, R.F., 2020. Heartwood variation of Eucalyptus urophylla is influenced by climatic conditions. For. Ecol. Manage. 458, 1–10.

40. Rocha, S.M.G., Vidaurre, G.B., Pezzopane, J.E.M., Almeida, M.N.F., Carneiro, R.L., Campoe, O.C., Scolforo, H.F., Alvares, C.A., Neves, J.C.L., Xavier, A.C., Figura, M.A., 2020. Influence of climatic variations on production, biomass and density of wood in eucalyptus clones of different species. For. Ecol. Manage. 473, 118290.

39. Pereira, W.J., de Castro Rodrigues Pappas, M., Camargo Campoe, O., Stape, J.L., Grattapaglia, D., Joannis Pappas, G., 2020. Patterns of DNA methylation changes in elite Eucalyptus clones across contrasting environments. For. Ecol. Manage. 474, 118319.

38. Hakamada, R.E., Hubbard, R.M., Moreira, G.G., Stape, J.L., Campoe, O., Ferraz, S.F. de B., 2020. Influence of stand density on growth and water use efficiency in Eucalyptus clones. For. Ecol. Manage. 466.

37. Mattos, E.M., Binkley, D., Campoe, O.C., Alvares, C.A., Stape, J.L., 2020. Variation in canopy structure, leaf area, light interception and light use efficiency among Eucalyptus clones. For. Ecol. Manage. 463, 118038.

36. Scolforo, H.F., Montes, C., Cook, R.L., Lee Allen, H., Albaugh, T.J., Rubilar, R., Campoe, O., 2020. A New Approach for Modeling Volume Response from Mid-Rotation Fertilization of Pinus taeda L. Plantations. Forests 11, 646.

35. Caldeira, D.R.M., Alvares, C.A., Campoe, O.C., Hakamada, R.E., Guerrini, I.A., Cegatta, Í.R., Stape, J.L., 2020. Multisite evaluation of the 3-PG model for the highest phenotypic plasticity Eucalyptus clone in Brazil. For. Ecol. Manage. 462.

34. Esther de Lima Costa, S., Cavalcante do Santos, R., Baptista Vidaurre, G., Vinícius Oliveira Castro, R., Maria Gonçalves Rocha, S., Lorenzato Carneiro, R., Camargo Campoe, O., Patrícia de Sousa Santos, C., Rodrigues Ferreira Gomes, I., Fernandes de Oliveira Carvalho, N., Fernando Trugilho, P., 2020. The effects of contrasting environments on the basic density and mean annual increment of wood from eucalyptus clones. For. Ecol. Manage. 458.

33. Câmara, A.P., Vidaurre, G.B., Oliveira, J.C.L., de Toledo Picoli, E.A., Almeida, M.N.F., Roque, R.M., Tomazello Filho, M., Souza, H.J.P., Oliveira, T.R., Campoe, O.C., 2020. Changes in hydraulic architecture across a water availability gradient for two contrasting commercial Eucalyptus clones. For. Ecol. Manage. 474, 118380.

32. Queiroz, T.B., Campoe, O.C., Montes, C.R., Alvares, C.A., Cuartas, M.Z., Guerrini, I.A., 2020. Temperature thresholds for Eucalyptus genotypes growth across tropical and subtropical ranges in South America. For. Ecol. Manage. 472, 118248.

31. Brancalion, P.H.S., Campoe, O., Mendes, J.C.T., Noel, C., Moreira, G.G., van Melis, J., Stape, J.L., Guillemot, J., 2019. Intensive silviculture enhances biomass accumulation and tree diversity recovery in tropical forest restoration. Ecol. Appl. 29, 1–12.

30. Scolforo, H.F., McTague, J.P., Burkhart, H., Roise, J., Campoe, O., Stape, J.L., 2019. Yield pattern of eucalypt clones across tropical Brazil: An approach to clonal grouping. For. Ecol. Manage. 432, 30–39.

29. Scolforo, H.F., McTague, J.P., Burkhart, H., Roise, J., Campoe, O., Stape, J.L., 2019. Eucalyptus growth and yield system: Linking individual-tree and stand-level growth models in clonal Eucalypt plantations in Brazil. For. Ecol. Manage. 432, 1–16.

28. Albaugh, T.J., Fox, T.R., Cook, R.L., Raymond, J.E., Rubilar, R.A., Campoe, O.C., 2019. Forest Fertilizer Applications in the Southeastern United States from 1969 to 2016. For. Sci. 65, 355–362.

27. Dobner, M., Campoe, O.C., 2019. Meteorological effects on 30-years-grown Pinus taeda under a gradient of crown thinning intensities in southern Brazil. For. Ecol. Manage. 453, 117624.

26. Attia, A., Nouvellon, Y., Cuadra, S., Cabral, O., Laclau, J.P., Guillemot, J., Campoe, O., Stape, J.L., Galdos, M., Lamparelli, R., le Maire, G., 2019. Modelling carbon and water balance of Eucalyptus plantations at regional scale: Effect of climate, soil and genotypes. For. Ecol. Manage. 449, 117460.

25. Araújo, M.J., de Paula, R.C., Campoe, O.C., Carneiro, R.L., 2019. Adaptability and stability of eucalypt clones at different ages across environmental gradients in Brazil. For. Ecol. Manage. 454, 117631.

24. le Maire, G., Guillemot, J., Campoe, O.C., Stape, J.L., Laclau, J.P., Nouvellon, Y., 2019. Light absorption, light use efficiency and productivity of 16 contrasted genotypes of several Eucalyptus species along a 6-year rotation in Brazil. For. Ecol. Manage. 449, 117443.

23. Rubilar, R.A., Lee Allen, H., Fox, T.R., Cook, R.L., Albaugh, T.J., Campoe, O.C., 2018. Advances in Silviculture of Intensively Managed Plantations. Curr. For. Reports 4, 23–34.

22. Albaugh, T.J., Fox, T.R., Maier, C.A., Campoe, O.C., Rubilar, R.A., Cook, R.L., Raymond, J.E., Alvares, C.A., Stape, J.L., 2018. A common garden experiment examining light use efficiency and heat sum to explain growth differences in native and exotic Pinus taeda. For. Ecol. Manage. 425, 35–44.

21. Alcarde, C., et al., 2017. Construção e uso de fitas dendrométricas para avaliação do ritmo de crescimento de árvores. CircularTécnica, Insituto de Pesquisas e Estudos Florestais - IPEF.

20. Lambais, G.R., Jourdan, C., de Cássia Piccolo, M., Germon, A., Pinheiro, R.C., Nouvellon, Y., Stape, J.L., Campoe, O.C., Robin, A., Bouillet, J.P., le Maire, G., Laclau, J.P., 2017. Contrasting phenology of Eucalyptus grandis fine roots in upper and very deep soil layers in Brazil. Plant Soil 421, 301–318.

19. Oliveira, J.D.C., Feret, J.B., Ponzoni, F.J., Nouvellon, Y., Gastellu-Etchegorry, J.P., Campoe, O.C., Stape, J.L., Rodriguez, L.C.E., Le Maire, G., 2017. Simulating the Canopy Reflectance of Different Eucalypt Genotypes With the DART 3-D Model. IEEE J. Sel. Top. Appl. Earth Obs. Remote Sens. 10, 4844–4852.

18. Binkley, D., Campoe, O.C., Alvares, C., Carneiro, R.L., Cegatta, Í., Stape, J.L., 2017. The interactions of climate, spacing and genetics on clonal Eucalyptus plantations across Brazil and Uruguay. For. Ecol. Manage. 405, 271–283.

17. Silva, P.H.M., Campoe, O.C., de Paula, R.C., Lee, D.J., 2016. Seedling growth and physiological responses of sixteen eucalypt taxa under controlled water regime. Forests 7, 1–13.

16. Campoe, O.C., Munhoz, J.S.B., Alvares, C.A., Carneiro, R.L., de Mattos, E.M., Ferez, A.P.C., Stape, J.L., 2016. Meteorological seasonality affecting individual tree growth in forest plantations in Brazil. For. Ecol. Manage. 380, 149–160.

15. Pinheiro, R.C., de Deus, J.C., Nouvellon, Y., Campoe, O.C., Stape, J.L., Aló, L.L., Guerrini, I.A., Jourdan, C., Laclau, J.P., 2016. A fast exploration of very deep soil layers by Eucalyptus seedlings and clones in Brazil. For. Ecol. Manage. 366, 143–152.

14. Christina, M., Nouvellon, Y., Laclau, J.P., Stape, J.L., Campoe, O.C., Le Maire, G., 2015. Sensitivity and uncertainty analysis of the carbon and water fluxes at the tree scale in Eucalyptus plantations using a metamodeling approach. Can. J. For. Res. 46, 297–309.

13. Silva, A.G.P., Görgens, E.B., Campoe, O.C., Alvares, C.A., Stape, J.L., Rodriguez, L.C.E., 2015. Assessing biomass based on canopy height profiles using airborne laser scanning data in eucalypt plantations. Sci. Agric. 72, 504–512.

12. Silva, P.H.M., Campoe, O.C., 2015. Scientia Forestalis Aplicação foliar de boro em eucalipto sob estresse hídrico Leaf Boron application in eucalypt under water stress 395–405.

11. Ferez, A.P.C., Campoe, O.C., Mendes, J.C.T., Stape, J.L., 2015. Silvicultural opportunities for increasing carbon stock in restoration of Atlantic forests in Brazil. For. Ecol. Manage. 350, 40–45.

10. Görgens, E.B., Packalen, P., da Silva, A.G.P., Alvares, C.A., Campoe, O.C., Stape, J.L., Rodriguez, L.C.E., 2015. Stand volume models based on stable metrics as from multiple ALS acquisitions in Eucalyptus plantations. Ann. For. Sci. 72, 489–498.

9. Campoe, O.C., Iannelli, C., Stape, J.L., Cook, R.L., Mendes, J.C.T., Vivian, R., 2014. Atlantic forest tree species responses to silvicultural practices in a degraded pasture restoration plantation: From leaf physiology to survival and initial growth. For. Ecol. Manage. 313, 233–242.

8. Campoe, O.C., Stape, J.L., Albaugh, T.J., Lee Allen, H., Fox, T.R., Rubilar, R., Binkley, D., 2013. Fertilization and irrigation effects on tree level aboveground net primary production, light interception and light use efficiency in a loblolly pine plantation. For. Ecol. Manage. 288, 43–48.

7. Righi, C.A., Campoe, O.C., Bernardes, M.S., Lunz, A.M.P., Piedade, S.M.S., Pereira, C.R., 2013. Influence of rubber trees on leaf-miner damage to coffee plants in an agroforestry system. Agrofor. Syst. 87, 1351–1362.

6. Campoe, O.C., Stape, J.L., Nouvellon, Y., Laclau, J.P., Bauerle, W.L., Binkley, D., Le Maire, G., 2013. Stem production, light absorption and light use efficiency between dominant and non-dominant trees of Eucalyptus grandis across a productivity gradient in Brazil. For. Ecol. Manage. 288, 14–20.

5. Binkley, D., Campoe, O.C., Gspaltl, M., Forrester, D.I., 2013. Light absorption and use efficiency in forests: Why patterns differ for trees and stands. For. Ecol. Manage. 288, 5–13.

4. Gazell, A.C.F., Righi, C.A., Stape, J.L., Campoe, O.C., 2012. Riqueza de especies arbóreas ¿juega un rol clave en la restauración forestal? Bosque 33, 245–248.

3. Campoe, O.C., Stape, J.L., Laclau, J.P., Marsden, C., Nouvellon, Y., 2012. Stand-level patterns of carbon fluxes and partitioning in a Eucalyptus grandis plantation across a gradient of productivity, in São Paulo State, Brazil. Tree Physiol. 32, 696–706.

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