Steer, Swine & Heifer Projects

Questions? Contact Mark Mauldin
850.638.6180  .  

General Entry Information

The WCYF Livestock Show and Sale is open to

Lost ear tags:

Project dies:

Entries may be limited if necessary.

Entry Fees & Registration

Market Steer Show

Market Swine Show

Beef Heifer Show


4-H & FFA Attire

The following attire is required during showmanship and market classes:

Exhibitor cards must be pinned to the back of the exhibitor’s shirt or in a card halter, belt, or clip so it is readily seen by the judge and show administration.

Other than a brush or comb, no items are allowed in exhibitor’s pockets or looped in belt.

Consult your 4-H Agent, 4-H Club Leader, or FFA Advisor if you have any questions.

Exhibitors may wear their choice of clothing during the auction but must still wear closed-toed shoes or boots.  

Health Requirements & Certificates


Project Weight




Care of Animals

Sale of Animals/After the Sale

Rankings, Premiums, Ribbons, Thank You

Project Record Books


Entry Forms for Steer, Swine, & Heifer

Entry fees and forms are due at weigh-in/check-in.

Sponsored by Orange Hill
Soil & Water Conservation District

Points will be earned throughout the 4-H year beginning September 1st and ending at the conclusion of the WCYF and its events and requirements. 

Who is eligible?

What can I earn?

How do I qualify to participate and earn points?

Beautiful custom belt buckles by Molly's Custom Silver to
Grand and Reserve
Champion of Champions winners!

What if I have more than one livestock project?

When you turn in your registration form and fee, you’ll declare which project you will use for Champion of Champions. 

Example:  Mark has two WCYF project animals - a steer project and a swine project. Mark decides he’ll use his steer project for his Champion of Champions project. On his registration form, he checks the box that reads: This entry will be my Champion of Champions project. Mark’s attendance at the steer weigh-in, his beef showmanship placing, steer class placing, and steer record book will be used on his total points score sheet. 

2023-2024 WCYF Events & Due Dates

All weigh/check-ins are 3:30 - 5:30pm in the livestock barn.

All Champion of Champion events are 5:30-7:30pm in the East Classroom. 

WCYF Record Books 

JUNIOR - 8-10 years old

INTERMEDIATE - 11-13 years old

SENIOR -14-18 years old

Selling your Livestock Project

At the end of the WCYF, you have three options for your 4-H steer or swine project: 

4-Hers will take their animal home if it needs to be fed out more to reach a finished weight. For gilts, 4-Hers may want to keep their animals for breeding stock. 

The price per pound you receive for your steer or pig will be determined by buyers present at the sale. Sometimes this price is low, and sometimes this price is high. It's a gamble on how much you'll make or lose going through the auction. 

While this requires more work on your part, it usually pays off in the price per pound you receive for your animal. Sending out buyer's letters and personally visiting people is an excellent way to market your animal, showcase your hard work, and bring in a better price for your animal. You can sell your animal prior to the auction via private transaction, or ask your buyer(s) to come to the auction and bid on your project.

Remember, it is your responsibility to sell your steer or swine project. The more you market yourself and your animal, the better chance you have to earn a premium price for the high-quality animal protein that you have raised. 

Example buyer letter

WHO should send buyer letters?

ALL steer and swine exhibitors who intend to participate in the auction should send out buyer letters. 

WHY send buyer letters?

You've worked hard to raise a high-quality market animal. Don't let that hard work go to waste. Youth who market their animals see a higher return on their investment when they send buyer's letters and personally invite people to attend the WCYF Livestock Auction. 

Don't stop at a letter - follow up with a personal phone call, or even better, a personal visit to talk about your project and invite them to the auction.

WHEN do you send buyer letters?

Write and send your letters to arrive at least two weeks before show and auction week. You can send letters any time you want to like at the beginning of your project with a mid-project report followed by an final letter and invitation before the fair and sale.

WHERE do you send buyer letters?

Sit down with parents or guardians and make a list of people you think would support your livestock project. These can be businesses, individuals, community groups, or organizations.  Be sure to get accurate names, spellings, addresses, and phone numbers. It's up to you to decide how many people you want to contact.

HOW do you write buyer letters?

Use a business letter format. Address the letter to a specific individual - do not address it "to whom it may concern." You can either type or hand-write your letter. If you type your letter, hand-sign each one. You can mail your letter, or deliver it in person. A picture of you with your animal is a nice touch.

WHAT do I include in a buyer letter?