Thank you for registering for the Florida 4-H Virtual Tailgate Day Camp!

We will be learning about the Florida 4-H Tailgating Contest. We will explore food and fire safety, equipment, meat selection, seasonings, and create our own recipe graphic designs. Each session will have activities that can be completed at home, with the goal of participants safely grilling at home for their families (under the supervision of an adult).

All participants are encouraged to have a Google account to fully experience the day camp. You can register for free at

This day camp is specifically teaching how to properly use a charcoal grill, however you can use these skills to safely cook on whatever type of grill you have at home.

Thank you for registering and we hope that you enjoy the Virtual Tailgate Day Camp.

Press play in the middle of the image on the left to begin the video.

Grilling Sessions

Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Session 4

Session 5

After Camp