Marion County 4-H relies on dedicated volunteers to promote its mission to help youth gain the knowledge and life skills they need to be productive, responsible citizens. Your time as a volunteers provides these youth the safe environment they need to pursue whatever their interests, causes, and leadership roles are most important to them. We thank you for your time and dedication to our youth, and hope that this website provides you with the resources you need.

Marion County 4-H Staff:

Crystal McCazzio | Extension Agent III, 4-H | | (352) 671-8411

Kristie Varnadoe | 4-H Program Assistant | | (352) 671-8400

Follow us on social media for the most up-to-date information about Marion County 4-H!


Looking for our main website? Use the following link to be redirected: 

Marion County 4-H Youth Development
UF IFAS Extension Marion County
2232 NE Jacksonville Road Ocala, Florida 34470
(352) 671-8400

An Equal Opportunity institution, Extension Service,
University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agriculture Sciences 

Participation shall not be denied on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, marital or family status, or political beliefs. Persons with disabilities should contact the Extension Office at least 10 working days prior to the event so that proper consideration can be given to the request.