So, you are a lobbyist or media correspondent?

Explore this page to find out more about your specific responsibilities and how to prepare.

Simulating State Legislature

While anyone is able to communicate with and advocate to legislators, lobbyists are paid by various individuals, businesses, and industries that seek to impact policy.

The word “lobbyist” comes from the practice of standing in the state house lobby while trying to get lawmakers’ votes. Much lobbying still occurs outside the senate and house chambers.

Lobbyists are tasked with:

Lobby Groups

Citizens' Committee for Individual Rights (CCIR)

General Philosophy

Churches of Florida United (CFU)

General Philosophy

Florida Business Association (FBA)

General Philosophy

Florida Parents for Education (FPE)

General Philosophy

Law Enforcement Council (LEC)

General Philosophy

Stewards of Earth (SOE)

General Philosophy

Preparing for Florida 4-H Legislature

To have the best experience at Florida 4-H Legislature, we recommend that you do the following in the weeks leading up to the event to prepare for your role:

Keep in mind that a legislator is responsible for issues affecting everyone and therefore must know something about the benefits and harm of a given bill to all people. The same preparation is desirable for a lobbyist. The lobbyist, however, represents the interest of a particular group, and group interests are generally confined to issues that affect the Lobby Group.

The Florida 4-H Legislature is a time and place to learn and practice skills. Therefore, a Lobbyist may choose a point of view that is different from their own opinion — just to practice the skills of debate and persuasion.

During Your Time at LEG

Your responsibilities during the week of LEG include:

Becoming a Legislative Aide

Once your main responsibilities as a lobbyist are complete on Tuesday, the Governor, Lt. Governor, and presiding officers will choose legislative aides from amongst you and your peers. Your role will be to help them conduct the business of their position.

Be aware of the following actions that can help you stick out as a potential legislative aide:

Becoming a Page

Once your main responsibilities as a lobbyist are complete on Tuesday, you have the opportunity to become a page.