Explore this page to help you understand LEG and all the general event details!

Greetings from Your LEG Planning Chair!

Led by Helena Peterson, your Legislature Planning Committee has been working hard to make sure you have a great experience!

Read what Helena has written to you at FL 4-H Legislature Welcome Letter.

To see everyone involved in making this happen for you, check out FL 4-H Legislature Planning Committee.

What is Florida 4-H LEG?

Since 1973, Florida 4-H Legislature (4-H LEG) provides a learn-by-doing experience of the state legislative process. Each summer, 200 teens gather in our State’s Capitol to serve as senators, representatives, lobbyists, media correspondents, Lt. Governor, and Governor in this mock legislative session. 

Participants experience the legislative process at all three branches of Florida’s government: Executive, Legisla­tive, and Judicial including bill writing, voter registration, lobbying, committees, sessions in chambers, and bill signing. 

The program is coordinated through the efforts of a youth led planning committee as part of Florida 4-H’s Executive Board, a programming body comprised of youth representatives from across the state. Alongside an adult chair and leaders, the committee youth leaders write the bills and take on the legislative leadership roles; including presiding officer roles of President and Secretary of the Senate, Speaker and Clerk of the House, party leaders, committee chairs, head lobbyist, and Chief Public Relations Officer. 

Through participation in this premier educational program, participants at all levels gain skills and knowledge for shaping public policy and representing public voice as a leader in their community and state.  

Dorms & Rooming

Florida 4-H Legislature is hosted in Tallahassee, Florida at the State Capitol building.



Meals & Lunch on Your Own


These meals are covered within your registration fee:


During the day participants are responsible for their lunch.




State Capitol Decorum

During the week of LEG, the program is fortunate to be able to use several facilities provided by our State Capitol. The Historic Capitol, New Capitol, House and Senate office buildings, Supreme Court and other historic and public buildings will be used. It is important that participants treat the buildings and facilities with care and respect.


Special Awards & Florida 4-H LEG Through the Years

Co-Founder Adult Participant Awards

Two adult awards are given to recognize those who were instrumental in initiating the Florida 4-H Legislature program.

Florida 4-H Legislature Timeline