Explore this page to learn how to properly engage within your role!

Find comfort in this page, knowing that just about everything you do at LEG has a script to go with it. There are certainly opportunities to go off script, speak extemperaneously, and explore different motion possibilities, but you always have a script to come back to!

Parliamentary Procedures

Parliamentary procedure is the rule of conduct that legislative bodies use to facilitate meetings. The goals of parliamentary procedure are to protect the rights of the minority, maintain the rule of the majority, and promote the most efficient proceedings.

Use the resources below to better understand how we will be using parliamentary procedure to run our legislative sessions during LEG. All of these are included in Manual I - Key Documents, which can be found in the "Please Print to Have at Legislature" section on the Home page of this resource site.

Legislative Sessions & Committee Meetings

Opening Session - Tuesday

The joint opening session is the ceremonial opening session for 4-H Legislature. 

Session #1 - Tuesday

Committee Meetings - Tuesday

For full information on how our committees simulate real life and the list of 4-H legislative committees, go to Prepare for Your Role - Representatives & Senators (Google Sites).

As mentioned above during Session #1, all bills are referred to committee. They must pass through committee before they are discussed by everyone in their respective chambers.

There are three committee meetings to complete all of the responsibilities listed below.

Committee Responsibilities During Florida 4-H Legislature

Committee Structure

Session #2 - Wednesday

Session #3 - Thursday

Adjournment - Thursday

The Florida 4-H Legislature adjourns with a ceremonial procedure. 

Writing Bills

Laws are established when legislators agree that proposed bills are in the best interest of the state and favorably pass the bills. However, the process involved in creating, debating, and passing or defeating bills is complex. 

Just like citizens who propose bills at the state and federal levels of government, 4-H citizens influence this event by proposing bills to use during the Florida 4-H Legislature event. Assistance comes from various county officials and community resources.

Proposed bills are in one of six committees:

Submitting bills and ideas for bills: 

Timeline for submitting bills: 

Purpose of Bills: 

Bill Research Sources

Drafting Amendments

After a bill has been introduced, any action taken thereon is taken with respect to the bill and amendments made to that bill.

In writing amendments to a bill, the objective is to make clear the change to be made in the bill.

Form and Style:

Special Committees 

Throughout the sessions described below, two special committees will meet to carry out the following responsibilities:

Rules Committee

Conference Committee