Warm Season Forages

Warm-Season Annual Forage Legume Demo Tour

Dr. Ann Blount coordinated with county extension agents across North Florida to establish warm-season annual forage legume variety demonstration plots, in the summer of 2020. Doug Mayo, County Extension Director, and Ethan Carter, Regional Crop Agent established a demonstration trial at the the Jackson County Extension Office, in Marianna, Florida. In August, Dr. Blount came over to evaluate the plots and record a virtual tour to discuss the merits of each of the eight varieties, 63 days after planting. Special thanks to Kelly Seed and Seedway for donating the seeds for these demonstrations. More details about each of these annual legume varieties are available in an article published by Dr. Blount: http://nwdistrict.ifas.ufl.edu/phag/2020/05/01/annual-warm-season-legumes-for-pastures-cover-crops-or-wildlife/

June 2020 Bahiagrass Trial Update

The bahiagrass trial is in progress at the Beef Research Unit! Dr. Lynn Sollenberger gives an overview of the project, which is supported by the Cattle Enhancement Fund.

2020 Bermudagrass update

Here are some updates on the bermudagrass trial! Thanks Florida Cattlemen's Association for the support on this project.

Perennial Peanut Forage Variety Research Tour

Dr. Ann Blount, UF/IFAS Forage Breeder, provides a video tour of the perennial peanut variety research plots at the North Florida Research and Education Center, in Quincy, Florida. She shares a comparison of the currently recommended varieties with the standard Florigraze variety current widely used for commercial horse and goat hay production.