Species Overview

2020 virtual Cool Season Forage Tour

Video tour of cool-season annual forage varieties being developed and evaluated the North Florida Research and Education Center by Dr. Ann Blount, UF/IFAS Forage Breeder. Dr. Blount discusses black oats, rye, triticale, oat, and ryegrass cultivars that she and her team have developed for silage, hay or grazing.

2020 Cool Season Forage Updates

Join Drs. Ann Blount, Cheryl Mackowiak and Marcelo Wallau, from UF/IFAS, on this virtual tour of the 2019-2020 cool-season forages variety demonstration, sponsored by Florida Milk Check-off.

Small Grains/Grasses

This video will give you a brief overview of cereal Rye and its uses as a cool season forage.

Click here for more information on rye

This video will give you a brief overview of Oats and its uses as a cool season forage.

Click here for more information on oats

This video will give you a brief overview of Annual Ryegrass and its uses as a cool season forage.

Click here for more information on ryegrass

UF/IFAS Extension Agent Cassidy Dossin gives a brief overview of the cool season forage wheat. Learn about planting techniques and grazing requirements of this Florida forage.

Click here for more information on wheat

UF/IFAS Extension Agent Justina Dacey gives a brief overview of the cool season forage triticale. Learn about planting techniques and grazing requirements of this Florida forage.

Click here for more information on triticale

UF/IFAS Extension Agent Cassidy Dossin gives a brief overview of the cool season forage tall fescue. Learn about planting techniques and grazing requirements of this Florida forage.

Click here for more information on tall fescue


UF/IFAS Extension Agent Alicia Halbritter gives a brief overview of the cool season forage vetch. Learn about planting techniques and grazing requirements of this Florida forage.

Click here for more information on vetch

UF/IFAS Extension Agent Alicia Halbritter gives an overview of clover species adapted for Florida cool season forages. Learn about planting and grazing specifics for the outlined clover species.

Click here for more information on clovers

UF/IFAS Extension Agent Cassidy Dossin gives a brief overview of the cool season forage alfalfa. Learn about planting techniques and grazing requirements of this Florida forage.

Click here for more information on alfalfa

UF/IFAS Extension Agent Justina Dacey gives a brief overview of the cool season forage lupine. Learn about planting techniques and grazing requirements of this Florida forage.

Click here for more information on lupine


Check back soon for information on medic species as a cool season forage!


Check back soon for information on sweetclover as a cool season forage!