
Floriculture is a BIG industry in Florida! The ornamental horticulture industry generates over $21 billion in sales and over 230,000 jobs for Florida residents. Florida produces nearly 80% of all tropical and indoor houseplants in the US.

Florida Horticulture

The horticulture industry is a staple for Florida's economy. This sector is important for lawns, landscapes, cut flowers, and houseplants all over the United States. Check out this video to see what production is like in our top horticultural county!

Cut Flower Production

Cut flowers are popular products of the horticulture industry. Cut flowers are used to celebrate certain times and are especially used in decorations for events. Learn how bouquets are made from cut flowers in this video.

Therapeutic Horticulture

Can gardening help you feel better? Some UF research aims to find out the physical and mental benefits that gardening can offer.

A Job in a Horticulture

Thinking about getting a job in the horticulture industry? This producer gives an in depth look at what working in horticulture looks like. Get inspired and find out the ins & outs of these jobs with this video!