
The value of Florida crop production to the US economy is, on average, over $5.8 billion annually.

Did you Know?

Depending on where in the state of Florida you live or have traveled to, you may not know that agriculture is a BIG part of our economy and land use. The state of Florida ranks second in the nation for vegetable production, with California being the largest vegetable producing state in the US.

Sales of vegetables and melons in Florida represent 8.4% of total sales in the US, making it the 4th highest state in the country. Field crop sales, such as corn, peanuts, cotton, and hay, equate for 3% of the US total. This makes Florida the 11th highest state for field crop sales.

Learn about Florida grown vegetables with coordinating curriculum, resources, and activities!

Check out an extensive list of Florida grown fruits along with coordinating curriculum, resources, and activities!

A list of miscellaneous Florida products paired with coordinating curriculum, resources, and activities!