Welcome to THE
univerisity of the east

Welcome to the University of the East, where tradition meets innovation, and academic excellence thrives. Step into a vibrant community that embraces diversity, fosters intellectual curiosity, and cultivates the leaders of tomorrow. Our campus, steeped in history, is a dynamic hub where students embark on a transformative journey of learning and personal growth. As you navigate these hallowed halls, be inspired by the rich tapestry of knowledge, the warmth of our community, and the boundless opportunities that await. Welcome to a place where aspirations are nurtured, friendships are forged, and the spirit of the Red Warrior lives on. Your adventure at the University of the East begins now!

What is Stem?

Stem targets/ Goals

1.Igniting Creativity

STEM education fosters a spirit of innovation, encouraging students to think outside the box and develop unique ideas by taking an interdisciplinary approach to problem-solving 

2.Cultivates Collaborations

By prioritizing collaboration and teamwork, STEM education equips students with the skills to effectively work in teams, promoting communication, leadership, and the pursuit of common goals.

3.Nurtures Critical Thinking

STEM education stimulates critical thinking by engaging students in actively analyzing, evaluating, and applying knowledge to solve problems. This approach prepares them for future challenges where logical reasoning and problem-solving skills are paramount. 

Major Subjects in stem curriculum



Basic Calculus

Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction (DRRR)

Earth Science

Empowerment Technologies

General Biology

General Biology 1

General Biology 2

General Chemistry

General Chemistry 1 and 2

General Physics

General Physics 1

General Physics 2

Statistics and Probability